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I woke up well rested for the first time since I had gotten Harmony. Iain was cooking breakfast, I smiled at him he had promise to drop Harmony off this morning after looking after her last night. He has the day off so was looking after Harmony today. After a long shift I return home to a slightly burnt cottage pie" Hey how was work?" He asked and it struck me quickly how I had gotten used to this routine as it had only been a few nights. "Good, Ana was flirting with Jacob Masters" as I laughed remembering her stupid teasing of the nurse earlier. Iain wrinkles his nose laughing softly as we settle into opposite ends of the couch after miraculously getting Harmony to sleep.

"So Ruby I realised I don't know a lot about you, tell me more" Iain asks me shifting to face me, I tip back my wine and pull a face" Well, Violet basically looked after me all through my life, my mum she wasn't the best. Vi started using drugs and we got into a huge fight. She left just before I went to college to be a paramedic and when she first showed up at college I was so happy to see her, she swore blind she was going to get clean, go to rehab. I believed her and I gave her all my saving and then she disappeared, it happened more often and to the point when I saw Harmony when she was born and she was yellow..." she trailed off."You assumed the worst" Iain said as he gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek.

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