There's always drama

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Iain woke feeling a strange mixture of feelings, he felt exciting yet worried and his emotions were all over the place all because of that stupid, bloody, beautiful blond paramedic who crashed into his heart without warning. Iain hates people with crushes as they always moaned about how the other person would never liked them back, and here he was doing the exact same thing. All people in love were the same Iain decided yearning and forlorn until their heart got wanted it wanted, like lost puppies without an owner.

Once again the universe seemed to hate him beside keep kept bumping into Ruby. Will and Jan kept exchanging looks but Iain was two pre occupied to care. The outside of the ED was buzzing with people but as Ruby whipped her head around she couldn't see her crush anywhere she pushed her way to Charlie"CHARLIE?,? Have you seen Iain where is he?" "He's still in RESUS as he was saving a patient he couldn't leave" as Ruby began to head into the ED Charlie stopped her." NO Ruby you can't the wiring is faulty and the ED is filling with water a stray wire and you'd be dead".

"Charlie please, I love him" as Ruby cried desperately her heart beating erratically in her chest. Charlie looked torn but nodded and turned his back for a moment enough for the young paramedic to slip in unnoticed. Ruby's heart stopped as he saw Iain's leg trapped underneath a beam" Iain" she cried broken hearted. "Ruby???" as Iain smiled and Ruby ran to her crush and together they lifted off Archie's leg. "Ruby you came back" as Iain grinned and Ruby helped him hobble into RESUS after determining going back back out to the outside would be too dangerous and near impossible with Iain's leg."Of Course I came back, you can't get ride of me that easily" as she laughed.

"Well Thanks, Hey help me raise Mr. Garrett's bed will you." They do so and Ruby helps Iain onto the counter out of the way of the water. The water begins to rise rapidly and then a wire falls into it, the murky water crackles ominously and both of the paramedics fear they will die. Ruby takes this opportunity and throws cation to the wind.

"Since we could be electrocuted any minute now, I wan to tell you" I want to know that I really like you" Ruby said slightly breathless. Iain looked at his jaw on the floor as he was worried by the lack of response in 0.05 seconds he began blabbering "and it doesn't mean you have to like me back I just thought you should know..." Iain's ridiculous ramble was cut off by Ruby abruptly kissing her, Iain let out a small squeak of surprise and deepened the kiss. They pulled apart and realised the water had stopped. It was soon safe to wade out into the carousel happily discreetly never letting go of the others hand.

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