Leaving town

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Ruby smiled as she woke up next to the beautiful hot black haired paramedic Iain Dean. She wasn't entirely sure what their relationship was all she knew was that she loved him, everything about Iain madd her smile, the way he smiled, his brown- golden eyes dancing, the way he talked to Harmony as if she could understand everything he was saying. Violet has come home at long last and Ruby was happy that her sister was back in her  life as Harmony started talking as she called Ruby Mila because Iain constitutes called her "my love" So Harmony thought that was her name. Iain and Ruby had recently gotten an opportunity to paramedics without borders and the two had discussed at length whether to go or not, finally they had decided they would go and do paramedics without borders. They would leave Holby and only return for holiday for the next two years, both Iain and Ruby had always wanted to travel and this was the perfect opportunity" The party to send them off was epic as Iain said" Right Rubes ready?" Iain asked as Ruby smiled and wave goodbye to Holby for the last time" Yeah I think so, Goodbye Holby" as Ruby whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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