Part VI

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Unfortunately for Cas, they seemed to being going nowhere, and he was so tired of them that he stood up dramatically after a few more minutes of eating. The Braedens looked at him with sneers, and he stared at them with a deadpanned look.

   "Don't look at me like that," he said to them, sighing. "You look like someone shoved a stick up your asses." Sighing, he turned to the Winchesters again.

   "I'm going to go to my room now, thank you for the breakfast," he said to Dean's parents. He heard Sam and Dean say they'd follow, and before he knew it, the two were beside him, silently wheezing as they walked.

   "That was the greatest thing I've ever seen," Dean whispered laughed, grabbing Cas's shoulder. Cas felt electrified where Dean's hand fell, but he tried to ignore it. Dean was straight, he knew that. And he didn't want to think about Cas. Sam was holding himself up on the wall, trying to laugh as quietly as possible.

   "I don't appreciate rude people," Cas said simply. "I've dealt with enough. Plus, I don't even live here. What are they gonna do? Stab me?"

   All of them laughed again, wandering further away from the dining hall. The three ended up going to the castle game room, filled with video games, air hockey, ping pong, darts, and board games. They decided to play air hockey, with Dean as the officiate so that neither Sam nor Cas could cheat. As the game went on, Dean got more and more entertained and would jokingly call random fouls.

   "Castiel Novak, that is your third foul! You are out!" Dean yelled jokingly, launching at him and dragging him from the table as Cas hit him on the arm, laughing. "Sam wins by default!"

   They only got a few steps with Dean dragging Cas before Dean tripped and fell, dragging Cas down on top of him. Dean hissed, and Cas moved quickly.

   "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. Dean shook his head.

   "No, I just got the wind knocked out of me a bit," Dean said, but his expression had changed slightly. Cas tried to ignore it, tried not to think that it was related somehow to the conversation they'd had the night before. It might have just scared Dean that they'd fallen, after all.

   The games went on without another hitch after that, but with a lot of laughter and fun. It was one of the best times of Cas's life. That was, until Dean's mother walked in, face pale. All three stopped what they were doing instantly, turning to her as she stood there, lip trembling.

   "Dean," she said, her voice small. "They want to move the wedding date. They want it when you turn twenty. In three months." She was shaking, and Dean stumbled back from her.

   "No," he whispered. "No, no, no. I thought I'd get more time," he said, his voice cracking on the last word. Cas's heart broke for Dean. He just wanted to be happy, and he got this?

   Sam went to Dean, and Cas went to the both of them. They hugged Dean as he broke down, sliding down to the floor in a heap as Dean sobbed. The sound was ripping Cas's heart out, and Sam was sobbing right along with Dean. Before long, so was Cas.

   "I can't do this," Dean cried, clutching the two of them. "I can't."

   "Dean, shh, it's alright. We've got you," Sam said, his own face wet with silent tears for his brother's pain as he locked eyes with Cas over Dean's head. Cas gave him a helpless look, and Sam looked away, putting his brother's head under his chin as they cradled him.

   They stayed that way for a while, and their mother slipped out of the room at some point. Cas felt awkward, but every time he tried to leave, one of the two pulled him back.

   After some time, Dean spoke again, his voice raspy and hollow.

   "It seems like I have limited time to do what I want to do with my life. So, for the next three months up to the wedding, we are going to do everything I have ever wanted to do, the three of us," Dean said. He turned to Cas, half heartedly laughing. "You'll see plenty of culture that way."

   Cas and Sam both agreed, and Dean went to his room, saying he wanted to plan it all out and he'd see them later. Cas glanced to Sam after Dean had left, his desperation and sadness being replaced with a deep rage.

   "I can't believe them," he said, fuming. Sam nodded sadly, not looking at Cas to see how angry he really was.

   "It's terrible. He deserves better than them. Dean deserves a choice," Sam replied quietly. He sounded so empty, and that only made Cas angrier. Cas stood, turning on his heel sharply and storming from the room. Sam didn't even try to stop him as he went. He just followed behind him silently.

   Cas stormed into the lounge room, his rage going white hot. The two pains were resting for the afternoon, but he figured that if this family didn't get peace, they didn't deserve it either. Slamming the door open, he looked at them as they jumped.

   "You," he hissed, fuming. "How dare you? What the fuck is wrong with you, both of you? Was taking his future away not enough for you? Were you so greedy that you had to have it sooner?"

   Johnathon stood up, looking alarmed but angry.

   "Listen here, boy, I thought we discussed your behavi-" but he got no further before being interrupted.

   "No, you listen to me, you filthy fucking coward. The only way you can find someone for your daughter is through blackmail, not because of her, but because of you. You are despicable assholes, and if I didn't think it would start a war, I'd be hitting you right now," Cas spat. He was slowly walking closer to Johnathon, who was backing up. He backed into the mantle piece, and Cas stood about half a foot from his face, his own twisted in rage. "No one should be forced to marry someone they don't love under a threat. And if you parade around here again one single second before the wedding day, I'll fucking kill you, war or not," Cas said, nearly yelling. "Do you understand me? Get out, and don't you dare come back into this building until the end of the three months, or I will throw caution away and fucking shoot you both myself." Cas was spitting mad, and Johnathon looked almost terrified.

   They slowly moved, Cas watching them. He and his wife went towards the door, and Cas followed them out, rage taking over yet again.

   "Go, fuckers!" He screamed, and they took off running. They left, and he heard the door slam. He turned to look at Sam, who was staring with eyes as wide as saucers.

   "I have never once seen that man look scared," Sam whispered. "But that was terror."

   Cas clapped Sam on the back as they walked back towards Dean's room, and Sam turned to him and gave him a huge hug.

   "Thank you," he said. "You've hardly known us two days, and you're already one of the best friends I've had," he said. Cas nodded, finally feeling his rage calm slightly. Sam needed him right then, and so did Dean. He didn't have time for rage.

   "I could say the same to you," he replied, and they walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way to Dean.

   When Dean opened the door, he had a small smile on his face. Holding up a paper, he pointed to a rather extensive list. Cas raised a brow, and Sam

   "Well, gentlemen, it's all ready. Let's get moving on the last three months of my free life."


Oop he popped off THATS all

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