Part VII

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The first thing Dean wanted to do was to volunteer and help the disadvantaged before he was king, so he didn't seem like he wanted approval from the people. He wanted to do it just because he cared, and he had to be sure it looked that way, too. Cas and Sam agreed wholeheartedly, and the three headed out right then. They refused to take guards, practically sneaking out to do so.

   Both boys seemed to have motorcycles, and Dean volunteered to have Cas on his. Hopping on, Cas wrapped his arms around Dean, feeling his heart do backflips. Thankfully, Dean didn't notice, starting the bike up.

   "Hold on tight, it wouldn't look good for anyone if you died here," Dean said, and Cas rolled his eyes and leaned onto Dean, nervous. And with that, the three were off.

   The speed was incredible, and Cas felt so alive. He laughed and whooped, and he felt Dean relax as he went faster to beat Sam, who sped up in retaliation. Soon enough, they were zipping along, and Cas was having one of the best times of his life.

   All too soon, they had arrived at their destination, and Cas found himself disappointed. They got off the motorcycles, Dean helping Cas. Cas tripped and fell against Dean's chest, and Dean caught him by the arms. He hastily set him up and released his arms. Cas smiled gratefully, and Dean turned around sharply, starting to walk towards the building quickly. Cas shook his head in confusion, following after him.

   "Ok, gentlemen, we're here to help them out with some work and to hang out with the kids, since they need some people," Dean said. Cas looked at the sign, and they were outside of an orphanage. He smiled. This was going to be awesome. Again, he was a huge people person, and he'd be able to see what their version of the culture was.

   The three walked in and were greeted warmly by a flood of children, who must have been informed they were coming. Cas found himself on his back, several kids on his stomach, and he laughed, sitting up and shooing the kids off of him.

   "Hey, guys, slow down!" He said, grinning. "What are your names?"

   "I'm Ben," one boy, who looked about thirteen, said from where he stood in front of Cas. "And that's Claire," he said, pointing to the grumpy looking blonde girl beside him. Cas laughed, standing up and brushing himself off.

   "Well, Ben, Claire, I'm Cas," Cas responded. They smiled brightly at him, and Ben looked at him.

   "Come on, let's play some games," Ben said, walking over to a card table with board games on it. Cas sat down, agreeing with his suggestion. Cas was always up for games.

   Kids flooded over, and a full game was going on, with more kids sitting around them and watching. Cas was playing as best as he could, but Ben was whipping him. Claire kept vaguely manipulating him, and he missed it for a few minutes and then caught it. It was impressive, frankly, that a girl at her age could do that.

   For hours, Cas sat, taking turns holding the littler kids and playing. He was having the time of his life laughing with these kids. At one point, he looked over and saw Dean staring at him, wearing an incredibly strange expression. The moment Cas looked, he turned away. Cas shook his head, smile fading slightly. Sighing, Cas went back to his game with the kids. But Ben was too fast for his attempt to play it off.

   "What was that?" He asked, gesturing between Dean and Cas. He leaned in toward Cas, and Cas looked at him, surprised.

   "What was what?" He said, giving Ben a confused look. Ben rolled his eyes, and Claire shot Cas a sarcastic look.

   "Oh, come on, don't bullshit him. You know what he means," Claire said, looking at her nails and raising her brows. "You just totally caught one of the guys you came with staring, and he immediately looked away and that upset you. So, what gives?"

   "You guys are way too good," Cas groaned, running a hand over his face. "I don't even know. I met those guys two days ago, and they're the best friends I've ever had. But ever since I told him I was gay, he's been really weird about everything."

   A light went off in Ben's head, and he smiled mischievously. Claire glanced at him, then adopting the same sly look as they turned to Cas. They were really starting to make him nervous.

   "What?" He asked, glancing between them. "What are you two looking at me like that for?" Ben's grin only widened.

   "Your 'good friend' has a crush on you," he said, and Cas reeled back, nearly dropping the five year old he was holding. He set the kid down and turned to the two teenagers, who he was certain had lost their minds, with his mouth gaping in shock at their suggestion.

   "No, absolutely not. Dean is borderline homophobic, and that's not even an exaggeration. I told him everything about me and he scampered away and left me on the roof alone," Cas said. Claire raised a brow quickly, leaning forward even more. Cas leaned back nervously. She spoke quietly, as if it were a secret.

   "Wait. Dean? As in, Dean Winchester, the prince of Brecori, Dean?" She said. Cas nodded. "Holy shit. They didn't tell us who was coming, just that three volunteers had decided to visit last second. So the other one must be Sam, right?" Cas nodded. Claire continued, sounding as if she had figured out a conspiracy. "But the thing I don't know is who you are, Cas. How do you fit in with the royal boys?"

   Sighing, he rubbed his eyes. This was what he had wanted to avoid. He looked across the table at Claire and Ben, who were looking at him expectantly. Making sure no one was close, he answered quietly.

   "My full name is Castiel Novak," he said, and Claire's eyes widened as she hit Ben on the arm, he looked at her, annoyed. She rolled her eyes, turning to Cas.

   "You're a prince too? The prince of Haland, right? Why are you at an orphanage in Brecori?" She was shocked, to say the least. Ben's eyes widened in recognition, turning to Cas. Castiel was more surprised that she the royals of distant countries.

   "I'm here for a study year to see culture, and Dean figured that this would be a good way to see some culture and bond with people while doing good," Cas replied. Claire nodded, looking shocked that she had been hanging around a prince for hours and had somehow missed it.

   "But, back to the more important thing about this conversation, why in the fuck would you think Dean has a crush on me?" Cas asked, genuinely lost.

   "Cas, buddy, that look wasn't discomfort, that was the face of a man trying to shove down feelings he doesn't think he should or could have. I don't know why he wouldn't want them, but it's what I saw. He likes you a lot, but something is holding him back," Ben said, shrugging his shoulders. Cas looked at him, eyes wide.

   Before Cas could process that fact or respond, Sam tapped Cas on the shoulder, and Cas stared up at him. Sam smiled at him, not realizing the revelation Cas had just had.

   "We have to get back," Sam said sadly. Cas nodded, standing to follow him. Turning back to Ben and Claire, he smiled at them.

   "It was fantastic to get to know you guys," Cas said, and Claire and Ben gave him knowing smiles as he walked away. Little did Cas know, they bet money later that night on whether or not Cas would cinch Dean in the end. Secretly, both hoped he would.

   Cas walked outside with Sam, seeing Dean waiting. Getting back on Dean's bike, Cas was suddenly very aware of how Dean's breathing changed when Cas's arms went around him. It was exactly like Cas's had when he got on earlier that day, but Cas had been too occupied with whether or not Dean noticed his panic to have noticed Dean's own. The two started up their bikes, and Cas clutched Dean, letting the adrenaline take him.

   As they rode home, it occurred to Cas that maybe those kids were onto something, after all.


Is this kinda all over the place depending on what song I'm listening to when writing? Maaaaybe

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