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The time for the party rolled around sooner than Cas had expected, and he found himself almost nervous for it. But all he had to do was have fun and let loose, and hopefully Dean would get the point of the matter. Cas was tired of Dean messing with him, using him, and then ditching him.

Walking down the stairs, Cas saw immediately that the room was flooded with people his own age. His nerves were fading, and a smile was finding its way onto his face. There were people to talk to, to make friends with, and they didn't already know who he was. This might be amazing for him.

Immediately, one guy caught his eye. He walked over to him, smiling brightly. The guy didn't notice at first, but when he did, his eyes latched, not moving from Cas once. Cas reached him quickly, deciding to go all out. Why the hell not?

"Hey," Cas said, and the guy eyed him up and down. Cas grinned, already feeling his blood pumping a little faster. This was way too easy.

"Hello to you too," the guy said, giving him a look. "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?"

"Just a party mood, I suppose," Cas laughed, hearing the music start up. "Come on, let's dance."

He dragged the guy to the center of the floor, and they danced wildly, setting the mood for the party almost instantly. People joined in, laughing and singing along. Cas danced facing the guy. He had to admit, this guy was really attractive. But he wasn't Dean.

Speaking of, Cas saw a Dean looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Smiling wickedly, he leaned in and pressed his lips against those of the guy he'd been talking to, who enthusiastically reciprocated. They stayed that way for quite a bit, Cas wanting to make absolutely certain that Dean saw this. When Cas finally pulled back, Dean was tapping his foot and staring him down. But right then, Cas was ignoring him, pretending not to see the irritation he conveyed.

"What was that for?" The guy said, snapping Cas's attention back to him. Cas smiled and winked at him, backing up.

"Just for fun," he said, disappearing into the crowd. He was determined to meet as many people as he could that night. He had never had this chance before, to be so anonymous and so easily himself. Moving through the crowds, he looked for anyone who seemed like they'd be a bit more of a challenge than a solo guy.

Lucky for him, it didn't take long. Seeing a mixed crowd of obvious friends, he walked over to introduce himself to them. There were a few girls and about three guys. Immediately upon them noticing him, he could tell they were not going to be a hit. But still, he tried anyway.

"Hey, how's the party been for you guys?" He asked in an attempt to be polite.

"Are you one of the princes of Brecori?" One girl said flat out. Cas was floored, looking at her with slight disgust. Was she really being that shallow? Surely not. Shaking his head slightly, he began to answer.

"No, I'm not, actually, I just wanted to say h-" he started, but was cut off by someone else from the group.

"Then scram," the guy said, sneering at Cas and flipping him off. "We're only here for royalty. We could meet people like you any day."

Cas gave them a fully disgusted look, but then he laughed. They had no idea what they'd just said, actually, and it was kind of hilarious. They stared at him, obviously disagreeing. He raised his hands, rolling his eyes at them and backing up slightly.

"Alright, sorry to intrude. I may not be royalty here, but I do happen to be close friends with both princes, so, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way to tell them to avoid you," he said, starting to turn.

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