Part IX

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Again, there was a gap in Dean's plans, this one only lasting three days. Cas was incredibly aware of everything Dean during those days, especially since the night in the beach. He was trying to see if he thought that Dean did like him in that way, after all, as Claire and Ben had suggested. But he honestly couldn't tell. Dean was far too closed from anything romantic for it to be obvious.

   The evening of the fourth day, Dean came into the dining hall with an excited look on his face. Sam and Cas glanced at each other, then back at Dean. Cas decided that he'd be the one to ask.

"Dean, you seem excited. Do you, by chance, have plans for the night?" Cas asked, and Dean grinned widely, nodding.

   "We're going to a party, gentlemen," he said, throwing his arms out dramatically. "I got a club to have a masquerade night so that we won't get recognized and can just have fun."

   Cas was excited, he had to admit, but he didn't think he would have anything to wear. Frowning, be tried to think, but he was coming up empty. Sam saw his face and put a hand on his arm, smiling at Cas as Cas turned to him. Looking to Dean, Sam laid out the plan.

   "I'll take Cas shopping and we'll meet you there, Dean. When does it start?" He asked. "We'll have to time it just right."

   "Midnight, so you've got time," Dean replied, and Sam relaxed noticeably. Nodding, he dragged Cas off to the front area, a car coming to get them almost immediately. Sam must have let someone know while Cas wasn't paying attention. Sam opened the door for Cas, turning with a mock serious face.

"My lady," he said, and Cas laughed, flipping him off as he got in the car. Sam cracked and laughed too, following right behind him and shutting the door.

   Once they were settled in the back seat, Sam turned to Cas, a more serious look in his eyes. Cas watched him, a bit nervous. What was Sam up to? This was his up to something face.

   "We never did finish that conversation on the beach," Sam said, and Cas raised an eyebrow, now very nervous. He tried to control his face so that it wasn't obvious.

   "What about it?" He said, his voice level except for one nervous wobble at the end. Sam relaxed back into his seat, looking at Cas.

   "The fact that you think Dean is straight," Sam said, and Cas nearly choked. "I don't know for sure, he hasn't told me. But if he is straight, I would be shocked."

   Cas just stared at Sam, too shocked to say anything. Sam took this as Cas disagreeing and started listing off his logic.

   "I mean, come on. Have you seen what he wears? He has actual style. Any straight prince wouldn't have that, not even with stylists to help them. And the way he acts around you is absurd," Sam said, causing Cas to snap out of his staring and to gape at Sam, trying to breathe as he choked slightly. Once he could breathe, he looked at a very amused looking Sam in shock and spoke.

   "What do you mean by that?" He managed to splutter out. Sam sighed, pinching his nose.

   "You can't tell me you haven't seen that. You'd have to be actually blind. Cas, he looks at you like you're the whole world. If he doesn't want to be with you, then I have never seen somebody have so much of the wrong expression on their face," Sam said, exasperated. He seemed that he had just about had it with how dense these two were being.

   "Why would you tell me this?" Cas asked, voice small. "Even if that's true, it's impossible because of the Braedens."

   Sam flinched at the name, looking over to Cas. He had a strange expression on his face, one that Cas didn't recognize. It was like he wanted something and was trying to hold it down, just in case. But then, maybe he was.

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