Part XIV

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Knowing that Sam would want to talk about it, Cas quickly got up and ran up to his room. Locking the door behind him, he sighed as he felt a wave of confusion and hurt wrack his body. Why did Dean make him so angry, so desperate for affection? What was so different about Dean Winchester?

   But Cas already knew what it was. Dean was such a genuine person, and while he was afraid to be vulnerable, if you got close to him, he'd let you in. He was unapologetically himself, and Cas admired that deeply. It was what made his crush turn into Cas being head over heels for someone who didn't care about him at all. Fuck Dean, honestly, for lying and trying to pretend he'd wanted more only to stop Cas from moving on. He didn't get to do that.

   There were just over two months until Dean's marriage. It wasn't enough time, but it was also too much. Cas wanted Dean to have all the time in the world so that Cas had a chance, but since he knew Dean didn't want him and because he was so fucking angry he may not even try, it was agony.

Shoving all thoughts of Dean away, Cas turned on a movie and settled into his bed, focusing intently on that. At some point in the movie, he fell asleep, restless and jumpy.

He only woke to a heavy pounding on his door and shouting from what he was sure had to be Gabe. Rubbing his eyes and going to the door, he opened it to see a distressed Gabe. For a moment, Cas couldn't tell if it was the hangover or the panic that was making him look like he'd been hit by a bus. Gabe cleared that confusion up quickly with what he said as soon as he saw Cas.

"Cas, we have a big issue. Someone overheard your little scuffle with Dean last night and leaked it to a tabloid article. And the Braedens saw it," he said. Despite how angry Cas was at Dean, his stomach dropped. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He could cause a war by being in love with a guy who couldn't reciprocate. Of course he could. Just his luck.

Passing Gabriel, he raced down the hall and to the stairwell. He ran down the stairs at full speed, nearly tripping a few times. When he did get to the bottom, there stood the Braedens in all of there dickishness. They looked enraged, and Cas felt about the same about them. After spotting him, Jonathon stormed over to Cas, who was similarly storming over to him.

"So you're the one trying to ruin our plans for our little girl. I should have known. That Dean won't get away with this slight of our daughter, do you understand? He'll pay for this," Jonathon spat. Cas stared him dead in the eyes, refusing to back down.

"No, actually, he won't," Cas said, thinking on the fly. "We knew they were listening. We made it all up, to try to prove to Dean's parents that you're insane and not worth it. It was my idea, too," Cas said, angry that they dared disturb what little peace he had left. After the previous night, he had no patience, and they were the last thing he had needed to wake up to.

"How dare you," Jonathon said, stepping even closer towards Cas, spitting with rage.

"How dare I what? I'm not the one believing wack job tabloid articles as facts. And I believe I told you not to set foot in here again, unless you wanted hit," Cas said. He stepped toward Jonathon menacingly, and Jonathon backed up, then stepped forward. He put on his high and mighty expression, and at that moment, Cas knew that he had had it.

"No, boy. I don't listen to princes. I am a king. I rule over an enti-"

Whatever pompous bullshit Jonathon was getting ready to spout off never left his mouth, mainly because Cas had punched him in it. Jonathon reeled away, shocked and clutching his face. Glaring at him, Cas took another menacing step forward, and Jonathon fully flinched backwards toward his wife.

"I thought I made myself clear. Get the fuck out. Now," Cas hissed, and they left in a hurry. He shook his hand and turned, seeing that the entire royal family and Gabe had been watching the whole time. He was worried they'd be upset, but then Sam cracked a smile.

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