The Awakening and The Factory Part 1

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Author: not much changes for this chapter mainly added more dialogue for Popola and Devola.


Location: Earth

Third pov

After we finished checking up on our little brother we headed back to the camp and we were both greeted by Jackass who was walking towards us.

Jackass: "Well look who is finally back. Hows the kid?"

Popola: "Hi jackass and hes still asleep as usual."

Jackass: "Of course he is, you know have you tried cooking his favorite breakfast? Maybe he will smell it from that pod of his and wake up in a second immedeiatley."

Devola: "I doubt that would work hahaha."

Popola: "I mean...."

Devola: "Don't even think about it sister..."

Jackass: (laughs) "So since you two are back I'm guessing your going to head back to your rooms?"

Devola: "Pretty much."

Popola: "Yeah Anemone gave us extra tasks to handle tomorrow after we help the other resistances load up some supplies and go scavenging."

Jackass: "Alright then I won't hold you two any longer then best get going."

Devola: "What about you Jackass? Why are you still up late? I thought you be back at the deserts camp already."

Jackass: "Eh we are staying here for the day to resupply and then when morning hits we will head back."

Popola: "Alright and if you see Rex and Margaret tell them we said hi!"

Jackass (chuckles): "Yeah yeah whatever I'll pass along your message to those two idiots anyway see you around but in return I'm taking the kid for a date."

Popola and Devola: "ABSOLUTEY NOT!"

Jackass was laughing hard because of the faces the twins were making.

Jackass: (calming down) "I was only kidding.....anyway cya."

Jackass began walking away but stop and turned around.

Jackass: "Or was I?" (winks)

She walks away while the Devola was holding Popola back who wanted to kill her. Devola then dragged her back to their room and they both went to sleep mode. Devola was able to shut down completely but Popola was still awake and was sitting on a chair looking at the family picture they took years ago. Popola began to cry and tears were falling on the picture.

Popola: (crying) "(Y/n)....."

End of Prologue....Initiating main story..


2b pov: Beginning Main Story

The next morning Yorha had offically sent a strike team down to earth......

"Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him."

Beep Beep

6o: "This is command Yorha squadron please report."

2b: "This is 2b reporting, all forces have penetrated the stratosphere. Autopilot system is green across the board."

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