The Past and The Truth Revealed

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A/n: Hey guys I am back and surprisingly this is out a a bit early. It turned out I had more time than I thought so I have been working on this chapter slowly.

Anyway its time to go back to the event of the operation and learn what went horribly wrong that day along with everyone knowing the truth......well almost everyone. Enjoy!

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Time skip: 2 weeks later after the battle against the goliath.

Location: Bunker

2b pov:

2b: (sighs) (Thinking to self: "This is a waste of time....we should be down there again fighting against the machines..... The commander should just station me with the resistance sitting here isn't going to solve anything.")

It's been two weeks since the battle against the Goliath and the mission was completed however the commander scolded us for being reckless and since then she hasn't given me a mission. 9s is currently taking a bath because he said it was fun to do but I didn't care about that stuff and left him to do his own thing. So at the moment I'm currently in my room staring outside the window at earth then decided to go into sleep mode.

Third pov:

However outside her room a male soldier was standing outside leaning against the wall.

??: "I'm sorry 2b....I should not of let him gone alone....maybe if I sent someone else he still be with us today.... "

??: "Perhaps but then that person would have suffered the same fate or worse.."

Buck turns around to see white walking towards him with a concern look on her face. She placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sad smile.

Commander: "It wasn't your fault buck you didn't know it was going to happen. Its my fault for not knowing about the threat and sending you all out there to die. Maybe if I had more Intel on the machines then there would have been more people and androids living today."

Buck: "No white its not your fault

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Buck: "No white its not your was all our faults for not knowing how much of a threat the machines were. We didn't have any knowledge on the new enemy machines existence they were stronger and smarter than the common machines we had fought if we had known then maybe we could've had a chance. Besides you did the right thing White if you didn't send us then they would have destroyed everything and we all be dead right now."


White: "All right listen up everyone we have a mission and this is going to require two groups. We have reports from the resistance that there's that there machines going berserk and need us to check them out and eliminate them.

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