Confrontations and The Rogue Android

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Update: Because of the Nier replicat remake story this will now follow Young Nier instead of Papa Nier. I also changed some of the dialogue.
Your pov

Location: Cave

??: " the grave of our creators...."

just then the door closes and seals everyone in the room.

everyone: !!!

y/n: "No were the machines from the desert...."

2b: "They have to be....there's no doubt about that..."

9s: "Guys be careful!"

2b: "Pod call Rex!"

Pod 042: "Negative the enemy is jamming out signal."

2b: "Damn it!"

Y/n: "Margaret get out of here and inform Rex!"

She nods her head and runs to the exit door but it wouldn't open.

Margaret: "Boss it won't open!"

She then runs back and looks at the two machines.

Margaret: "Who the hell are you bastards?!"

??: "oh? well well it has been awhile since i last saw you three but where are my manners? Some introduction is needed. I am Adam and this is my brother Eve." (they both split and Adam teleported to 2b and 9s and eve teleported to me and Margaret.)

Eve: "Hi there!"

2b: "(Y/n)!"

Margaret: "Don't worry I got him!"

9s: "What do you want from us and what happened here?!"

Adam: "The aliens you came to seek out are no longer here...they were wiped out centuries us...the machines..."

everyone: !!

Adam: "And who knows? Maybe we will wipe out the androids next. We the machine life forms are weapons capable of evolution. We can grow...become self aware. Eventually the network began to surpass that of our creators. You probably be surprise how quickly it happened."


Adam: "Ah there's no reason to get angry about it after all they had little meaning to us, however....the humans on the moon? Now they are interesting...isn't that right.....little human?" (Looks at Y/n).

the girls and 9s: !!

Y/n: "Oh? and why am I or we interesting to you?"

Adam: "Because your kind is an enigma! you humans killed so many of your own kind and yet at the same time you all loved in equal measures!" It truly fascinates me! what drives you humans to such behaviors? We the machines have dedicated ourselves to unraveling this riddle of humanity! And now.....we will allow you to assist us. You were made in their images after all...

Eve: "I thought we came here to play brother..."

Adam: "Oh we will eve...just be patient."

2b: "And what are we supposed to help you with?!" (pulls her sword out and points it at him).

Adam: "Its simple...all we want are the humans on the moon and have you bring them to us. Then we will dissect them and analyze them in order to drag their secrets out into the light! Surely you androids can understand this and are interested in it as well?" (Shifts his eyes over to Y/n).

Margaret: (Notices what's about to happen and runs infront of him). "I won"t let you touch Boss!"

The others noticed as well.

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