First solo mission and aliens?!

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update: Some dialogue changes and (Y/n) won't be able to remember everything so he still has amnesia


Timeskip: two days later...

Location: main camp

It's been two days since I hung out with Devola and Popola and they both been extremely happy ever since. Popola would sneak away from work time to time and try to spend time with me sadly Anemone keeps catching her and just scolds her, as for Devola when she isn't working with me she try to spend time with me despite me saying im busy and often times she tried to get me drinking only to meet the end of 2bs blade. Right now I was eating with Rex and Margaret at breakfast since we wanted to catch up.

Margaret: "And that's why I love using swords especially my katana."

Rex: "My sniper and handgun is all I need."

Y/n: "Well whatever works I suppose."

Margaret: "hehe I mean you don't have a preference you just say "If it shoots and kills then I don't care" hehe I remember when we ran out of ammo you grabbed a machines arm and used it to shoot back at enemies."

Rex: "Don't forget he ripped a turrent off and walked around with it."

Margaret: "That was sooo cool!"

Y/n: "Hey like I said whatever works."

Rex: "Always that line boss."

Margaret: "Hey we should go back to Paris!"

Rex: "Huh why Paris?"

Margaret: "Hehe silly Rex that's where we met captain of course and plus if it weren't for the machines there it's still a beautiful place to explore."

Y/n: "Well maybe one day we can when things settle down."

Rex: "But I think we should go to Russia first!"

Margaret: "You just want to go there and find military recordings and stuff that's boring!"

Y/n: "Oh come on you two we can start traveling together again when things get settled."

Rex and Margaret: "AWSOME!"

Margaret: "Now that I think about it I feel like I forgot something...."

Rex: "Oh yeah I forgot (grabs his bag and pulls something out.)

I take it and it turned out to be my old dog tags.

Rex: "I kept onto it as a memento since we thought you were killed but since your back I figure I give it back to you."

Y/n: "Thanks Rex!"

Rex: "Your welcome."

Margaret: "Hey captain....can I ask you something?" (Looks at Rex).

Rex: "Margaret....we talked about this.."

Margaret: "I know! But I want to hear from him!"

Y/n: "What's up?"

Margaret: "Me and Rex were talking and well...we were wondering if we can serve under you again and reform team wolf."

Y/n: "Oh...I see...well if that was an option do you really want to be working with me again?"

Rex: "It be an honor to fight again by your side sir."

Margaret: "HELL YEAH!! Team Wolf was the best team we ever formed!"

Y/n: (Gives a small smile) "Alright I'll talk to the commander about it when I see her."

Just then I heard my helmet beep so o grabbed it and put it on. I figured it was the operators calling me about hearing any reports from me but it turned to be more than that.

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