Bonding time with 2b

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Authors note: I erased everything and changed the script and 2b will not confess her love yet.

I will be reviewing the other bonding chapters and will decide if they need to be completely rewritten.

update:IM FINALLY BACK!! This chapter has been rewritten and now you and 2b aren't dating.

Timeskip: 6 am

I woke up a little early and notice it was morning and turned around and saw 2b and nine still in sleep mode. I didn't want to wake them up and thought they deserved some time to sleep in because of what happened yesterday in the desert. I slowly got up and grabbed my ODST armor and helmet and quietly exited the room.

Y/n: (Yawns) "Well....time to see what's for breakfast..."

I took a few minutes walking around the camp trying to familiarize myself with the general layout then I realized I have no idea where to go for breakfast....

I was about to go to the back of the camp until I heard foot steps running behind me. I turned around wondering what was going to happen be tackled by someone.

??: "Oh my little brother I'm so happy to see you again!"

You looked to see who tackled you and it was a red hair android she was hugging you tight.

Y/n: " again....can't breathe...."

?? 2: "Popola! Let the kid go!"

The other red hair android grabbed her sister and pried her off and offered a hand to (Y/n).

Y/n: (Takes her hand) "Ummm thanks Devola..."

The red hair android smiles and pulls him into a hug which made the other one mad.

Popola: "Hey no fair Devola!"

Devola: "Hey you got your hug it's my turn."

Popola pouts at her sister and after a minute Devola pulls away which gave Popola another chance to hug him.

Y/n: "Nice to see you two again."

Popola: "I'm so so sorry little brother! If we knew you were gonna be here yesterday we would've come sooner to meet you!"

Devola: "Yeah we missed you so much also you look cool in that armor."

Y/n: (chuckles and Pat's Popolas back) "Thanks and it's no big deal. I wanted to see you two as well but we had a mission yesterday and had to set out immediately."

Popola: "What?! Your back to working with Yorha already and taking on missions?!"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah?"

Popola: "Well I don't approve this! As your sister I can't allow you to go back to working on missions alone!"

Y/n: "I-Its fine Popola I'm not taking on missions by myself I'm part of 2bs team now and they were tasked to look over me!"

Popola: "That's big sister to you! Besides that doesn't help me in the slightest! What happens if you get hurt or worse killed this time?!"

Devola: "Popola I'm sure he'll be fine besides I'm sure the commander and the others are more protective of him now."


Y/n: "Devola makes a good point Popola besides I'll be extra careful as well."

Devola: "See? He even says he'll be careful."

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