A New Day in a New World

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"If you do evil out of hatred of evil, it will merely birth new conflict." -Artoria Pendragon(Saber)

After being awoken by a servant(butler not grail war) to be reminded of the meeting later today, Shirou sees his girlfriend laying beside him like a ragdoll while uncharacteristically snoring loudly.

He chuckles to himself quietly, then shakes his head before deciding to use the interface to understand it more. He even managed to find a way to learn it more efficiently by somehow using tracing magic to give himself a crash course on it, finding out his full potential.

It was honestly somewhat disheartening to know that his powers were basically locked back to level one. Basically all he had going for him were reinforcement, tracing and basic projection magic.

All the noble phantasms existed, but their associated abilities were locked away, reducing them to basically really expensive, high quality normal weapons.

What's worse was that his trump card was also locked somewhere so high up, he couldn't even begin to access it. At the very least he still had Avalon which seemed to still possess it's latent healing abilities, albeit severely hampered.

This meant that the dream last night DID have Artoria joining them in some way. Another important thing to note was that he found out he could learn how to activate the various noble phantasms if he fulfilled certain specifications, like one of the lower level sword skills, invisible air sword, was already unlocked due to the "Cutscene" interaction with th Artoria. It's only requirement to be used it seems was that one must have a valid weapon for it to coat.

Some others he could readily unlock where Kojirou's Tsubame Gaeshi which needed him to cut down a swallow as weird as it seemed.

Rin then begins to stir up alongside the others. She then stretches and yawns while groggily saying "Good morning Shirou~" to which Motoyasu grumbles out, "Lucky bastard" which earns a smirk from Shirou. If anything, Shirou's misfortune was only second to a certain Lancers's after all. The way that he died... it wasn't human.

They then head down to the throneroom, wherein a gathering of warriors, mages, archers and etc. were joining. All six then stood in front of the king as his majesty stood proud and high. He then commands the many adventurers with a booming voice. "Now go to the hero of your own choosing" to which all of them approach their chosen hero. Shirou joins in and walks to Rin's making the king's eyes widen. "W-wait, Sir Emiya, you cannot do that. A-a hero isn't allowed to join another. That causes friction between the legendary weapons"

Shirou calmly shakes his head and says "Not for me. While I was looking around my menu early this morning I fiddled enough with it and found I could join the other heroes while the others couldn't join each other."

"This was because while the others were cardinal weapon wielders, I, along with Rin are apparently something called a vassal hero."

This made the king raise his eyebrows before he mutters out "I thought there were only seven." He then speaks out loud, saying "That is fine since it seems no one seems to have joined you both due to my late message. Apologies." He then bows slightly.

Rin then raised her hand and says "Us two will be more than enough. However... Naofumi-san doesn't seem to have any team mates." to which Naofumi desperately nods, saying "Yeah. What gives?"

The king then sighs in exasperation and said "Apologies Shield Hero, but I have no control over these people."

Despite his vexed tone of voice, Shirou could swear he saw the man smirk, if for a second. "Very well, which of you wishes to join the Shield hero?" but noone moves.

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