A Nameless Hero

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Out of an alleyway, a emerald colored, gem-like projectile then fires towards Archer. EMIYA looks at it with a slight widening of his eyes before narrowly redirecting it into the side, before it momentarily explodes into a cyan explosion. Rin, in Saber mode, then bursts from the shadows in a sudden burst of Mana and barrels towards Archer, holding something concealed inside invisible air in a swinging motion, exclaiming "Noone should be able to deflect my emerald gem bomb!" to which Archer says "Redirect, not deflect" while dodging and parrying SabeRin's attacks.

Archer then smirks, before remarking "Rin, if you didn't use Mana Burst to rocket at me, you could've used it to get the jump on me."

Rin then inwardly curses at herself, knowing Archer was right about it, before continuing her attack. However, as good as Rin's presence was to turn the tides, the advantage soon went back to Archer as he keeps Rin away with a barrage of swords." Shirou grits his teeth while thinking up ways to help, despite being cornered by swords himself. His girlfriend was being attacked and sorely outskilled by Archer, only just about keeping up due to Saber's Intuition skill, and slightly superior base stats.

Shirou then hides behind a wall, before forming a throwing axe, one of the random weapons Archer shot at him, and then throws it at Archer with a reinforced arm before covering himself once more from the barrage of swords aimed at him. He then runs out, and flanks Archer while throwing multiple throwing knives at Archer, shouting "Follow me!" to Rin who quickly nods and used a Mana burst to momentarily disperses Archer's sword barrage before moving towards Shirou.

Shirou then uses Reinforcement magic on his legs and bolted towards his house with Rin keeping up easily with the class card's power.

"Shirou! Where are we going?"

"If this place is a recreation of our town, then I may now of something that I could try and use to even the odds a bit at my old home."

Rin suddenly carries Shirou after seeing Archer running at them. She barely outspeeds a nonserious Archer, giving them a few seconds head start. They both then go inside his house as Shirou starts looking around the place.

"Shirou what're you looking for?!"

Meanwhile, Archer arrives outside the house and stops before chuckling, saying "Shirou Emiya, if you think I'd hold back just because this used to be my home as well, then you're sadly mistaken. As a counter guardian, I have had to do harder things."

Archer then jumps back and runs up a nearby building before summoning his black bow. He then summons an ever so familiar drill-shaped sword.

"My core is twisted in madness..."

Suddenly a voice was heard chanting out "Hammer of the wind king..."

As Archer fired his arrow, he shouts out "Caladbolg!" however, Shirou's voice could be heard from the opposite side, shouting out "Strike Air!" as a powerful wind whips forth. Two projectiles grazing against each other, a silver sword deformed into the shape of a bolt, covered in a vortex of energy and an invisible arrow which seemed almost undetectable even to Archer himself.

However, it is made clear what it was when the ability exploded into a gust of wind, showing a mundane arrow, with various spell cards of the same type scotchtaped on it. However, as the wind explodes, so did the spell on the arrow. A powerful, colorful explosion then occurred. When the smoke cleared, Archer was stoked as Caladbolg was, in fact, redirected enough for it to only graze the Emiya house. He smiled and said "Not bad."

His danger signs flare up as he was forced to block multiple invisible projectiles. He was made even more weary when said projectiles explode in a violent gust when he hit them. Although not enough to damage him, these were enough to distract him from the real threat.

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