Part 1: Meeting

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~Imani's POV~:

        "Baby, are you ready yet?" I smoothed out my sleek, black pencil skirt and easily slipped into my purple pumps. I stared into the mirror as I applied purple lipstick to my lips to match my shoes. I smiled instantly as a pair of muscular arms slid around my slightly enlarged stomach. 

        He nuzzled his face into my neck and deeply inhaled. "I'm ready. And you smell divine." I giggled and turned in his arms. "You're so beautiful." I soaked in his appearance; he was clad in a sleek, black suit that was identical to the material of my skirt. He smelled strongly of Calvin Klein cologne and he looked amazing as always.

"Thanks, baby. Can we please leave now? We don't want to be late for dinner." Significantly taller than me, he leaned down to kiss me but I placed my manicured fingers over his lips. "Can't mess up my lipstick, sweetheart." He rolled his eyes and childishly stomped his way out of our bedroom. 



        Damiun is his name. Who is he? He's the love of my life. I've known him for nearly 10 years but our relationship was really rocky. We've been through hell and back but I believe he's the one. Things are finally getting serious and I couldn't be happier..


        Damiun's eyes were trained on the road as we sat in his 2014 white Mercedes-Benz. Smiling widely, I splayed my left hand on my lap and admired my 24 carat engagement ring. I looked over at my husband-to-be and placed my hand on his thigh. He was biting his lip and his eyebrows were drawn. Uh-oh. "Dee, you okay?" 

"Just nervous, Imani."

"I'm here with you, we're doing this together. There's nothing to be afraid of." Still incredibly tense, he replied with a stiff voice as we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant Volt. 

"I hope you're right."


        Hand in hand, we walked toward the table where our family was already seated. "Imani!" exclaimed my mother as she hopped out of her chair to embrace me in a hug.

"Hi, mom." I glanced over at Damiun who's mother was showing him the exact amount of affection. Our fathers were present as well along with siblings. My younger sister, Reese, had a ridiculous smirk on her face and pinched my knee as I sat down. I paid her no mind and kept my eyes on Damiun. He whispered something in his brother's ear which caused him to look up at me. I felt my face heat up under his icy stare. 

I coughed awkwardly and began introducing my family. "Well, uh this is my mom, Iris Atwood and my dad, Frank Atwood. This is my sister, Reese Atwood. I'm Imani Atwood, by the way." Damiun gave me an encouraging smile and followed my lead. 

"I'm Damiun Veal, this is my brother, Darnell Veal, my mom, Alisha Veal and my dad, Reggie Veal." The table buzzed with nice to meet you's and compliments.

        It felt as though dinner was long and drawn out but in reality, it probably only lasted half an hour. An extremely loud and exaggerated cough is what caught my attention and sent my pulse rate through the roof. Unless I wanted purple teeth, I refrained from biting my lip.

'You ready?' mouthed Dee from across the table. I swallowed my pride and gave him a curt nod. 

"Um, everybody, Imani and I have a few things to tell you." Everyone's eyes were locked on Damiun and I with anticipation. "I proposed to Imani not too long ago.. we're engaged." 

Sheepishly, I held up the hand with the finger that possessed the ring. I wasn't quite sure how both our families were feeling; they didn't utter a word. Damiun remained silent as well so I assumed it was my turn to drop the second surprise. 

"I.. uh.. I'm pregnant." I was unsure of who, but somebody slammed their fist on the table and my dad spewed out the red wine he was sipping. Reese burst into laughter. 

"Wow, Damiun," Darnell's smooth voice started, "didn't think you had it in ya." In response, Damiun sent his brother a warning look then turned to his parents nervously. 

"Ma? You're not upset, are you?" The middle-aged woman smiled and shook her head, her blondish locks flying around.

"Of course not, just a bit surprised. I wish you two had waited but I'm happy to be a grandmother." Hmm.. she's supportive. I turned to my mother who already had her jaw set. Goddamnit. Her orbs had darkened as well. 

"Imani, I really wish you had waited until after you were married. Your virginity is a sacred thing but I know that God will forgive you." Reese sighed heavily with annoyance and I bit the inside of my cheek to hide my smirk. 

"Thanks, mom." 

"I agree with your mother, Immy," my dad finally spoke, "abstinence is very important." Blushing, I looked down at my fingernails. 

"I know dad, I know."

        Dessert came and both families went back to conversing lightly. I noticed Mr. Veal didn't utter a word but he kept his eyes glued to me. It was honestly creepy as hell. I couldn't wait until we got the hell out of that place. 


        "God, that was awful." Dee laughed as he slid off his blazer. 

"It could be much worse, Immy. At least they support us." I shrugged as I kicked off my pumps and took off my earrings before collapsing on the bed. I moaned into the sheets. 

"Those shoes were killing me, yo." I shrieked as he smacked my ass. 

"You looked incredible, though." I rolled onto my back to stare at Dee. 

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" He sat down on the edge of the bed and glazed his hands over my tiny baby bump. 

"I get the feeling it's a girl but I don't care what it is, honestly. As long as it's a child with you." I smiled and didn't refuse his kiss this time. He unbuttoned my shirt and eventually we slid beneath the sheets where the magic happened.. 


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