Part 9: The Aftermath

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~Imani's POV~:

        My eyes slowly opened and I stared into the space in front of me. I was staring at my walk-in closet.. guess I'm at home. I slowly sat up, looking down at my clothes. Still wearing what I wore last night. I assumed someone was here but I wasn't counting on it. With that assumption made, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Cautiously, I left the bathroom and went downstairs. To my surprise, Jay was in the kitchen. He was shirtless and his jeans hung off his hips perfectly. I sucked in air as he turned to face me. "Goodmorning, sunshine." I was unconcsciously raking his body with my eyes. I didn't realize I was so lost until he said something. "Just let me know when you're done staring at me."

I blushed and headed for the fridge. "Goodmorning." I pulled out the orange juice gallon and poured myself a glass. Jay had sat himself up on the kitchen counter. While he stuffed his face with peanut butter and jelly, his eyes watched my every move.

Blushing under his scrutiny, I put the orange juice back. With the cold glass in my hands, I nestled into a corner of the kitchen that was closest to the tall boy. The silence between us was starting to become awkward so I broke it.

"You were really calm last night.. considering." He shrugged and shoved the last bite of the pb&j sandwich in his mouth.

"I'm usually always calm." It fell silent again but Jay suddenly jumped down from the counter and stood in front of me. "You know what he did to you was really fucked up and I'm here for you. Nobody deserves that especially if you didn't do anything." He had come extremely close to me, his hand finding its way to the back of my neck. I put my hands on his bare chest and he shuddered slightly.

I observed a tattoo on his upper left shoulder. It read forever true. I ran my fingertips over the letters and he bit his lip in response. "What does that mean?"

"I got it when alot of shit was going on, I was starting to change. It's just a reminder to always stay true to myself. I should've gotten it on my wrist but whatever."

We stood like that for a little while until he said something I never expected. "I could treat you much better, you know."

My phone started ringing, luckily. Thank you whoever was calling me. I gave Jay a look that I knew would be unreadable to him as he stepped out of my way. "I know you could."

I walked over to the ledge between the kitchen and the living room where my phone was blaring out my ringtone. "Hello?"

"Imani! What the hell happened last night? You didn't call me at all." I smiled at the sound of Jerome's voice. 

"Yeah.. shit happened. Let's just say I'm single now." Rome gasped and Marcus mumbled something incoherent in the background. 

"What?! No, nope. I'm coming over right now." The line went dead and I chuckled to myself. That boy. I set my phone down on the counter and looked at Jaerre who was staring at me like a lost puppy. 

"Yes?" He shrugged and tucked in his upper lip. 

"I guess I should go." He headed for the living room and I suddenly felt sad. 

"No!" He turned around to look at me with a confused face. I exhaled slowly. "I mean, you don't have to. Unless you have better things to do." He gave me a smile. 

"I'll swing by later. I'm sure Jerome wants to talk to you alone." He easily slipped on his shirt and proceeded to grab his jacket, keys and phone. I stopped him and his hazel eyes instantly bored into mine. I wasn't entirely sure why, but his gaze made me melt.

I put my arms around his waist in a hug to which he returned. He pulled away slowly and cupped my face. Maybe I was imagining things, but it seemed as though his face was growing closer to mine. By then, my grip had tightened on his waist and his lips were already ghosting over mine. But then his phone rang...

Jay sighed heavily and reluctantly pulled away from me. I pursed my lips together and took a step back. He gave me a sympathetic smile and grabbed his stuff, nearly stumbling to get out of the house. "I'll see you later, Immy." The front door slammed and my shoulders sagged as I dragged myself to the staircase. 

Oh well. 


        A shower and bombarding of questions later, I was sitting on the couch with Jerome. He had his face propped up on his hands, his elbows sitting on his crossed knees.

"Are you sure?" I sat back and scoffed.

"Fuck you mean if I'm sure? Of course I'm sure. You can ask R.. wait."


~Reese's POV~:

        I groaned, squirming around in the position I was currently in. My eyes opened unwillingly as I felt another person next to me. Now wide-eyed, I found myself staring at a naked guy with dip-dyed dreadlocks.

I sat up, the covers concealing my nude body. I sighed, my head falling into my hands. Did I really have sex?


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