Chapter 3: Preparation

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Ramirez's POV

I was sitting next to one of Itami's men. He seemed pretty young for the military.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Kurata," he responded.

"My name is Ramirez. What do you do in the Special Region?"

"The biggest thing we've been doing so far was just looking around the Special Region."

The door to the throne room opened. I took off my helmet and attached it to my backpack.

"Hey," I said.

"Yeah, you can come in," Itami said.

I placed my M416 in safety and followed Itami inside. I looked to the thrones and saw a red-haired woman. She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt and white pants.

"I'm going to assume she is the empress," I thought.

I walked up with Itami and bowed down a bit. I came back up and she smiled a bit.

"Uh...We don't do that here," she said while holding back her laughter.

"Sorry ma'am," I said embarrassingly.

"So you are the Americans?"

"Yeah. The rest of my troops are outside."

"Well, I hope we could make a peace treaty with you guys as well."

"I'm not really qualified to handle that sort of business. Besides, I don't think it's necessary because we are allies with Japan."

"If you could join me over here please."

She guided me and Itami to 2 red couches facing each other. I took off my backpack and took a seat opposite of the Empress.

"I suppose formal greetings are in order. May I ask what your name is?" she asked me.

"My name is Ramirez Carter. I am acting commander to the 6th Deep Recon for the US. I am currently working together with Itami to help command both of our forces," I answered.

"Well..Nice to meet you. I am Empress Pina Co Lada. I rule over the Empire of the Special Region. As you can see, Italica is in a bit of a mess right now. We really need more supplies if we were hold out longer."

"I can call my superior to see if she can do anything. From my experience with her, she would send supplies and troops here."

"That's great new to hear."

We all conversed about what was to happen. We finished about half an hour later and we left the meeting room. It was noon and seemed like everyone managed to reinforce the palace. I saw one officer talking to Itami. I walked up to him and asked a question.

"Hey, do you have a radio to Alnus?" I asked in Japanese.

"Yes, it's in that LAV," he said while pointing to a vehicle parked by the entrance.

"Thank you."

I walked over to the LAV and opened the back door. There was a whole radio set up and a soldier lying head down on the desk. I tapped him on the shoulder and he woke up.

"Do you mind sending a message to Alnus?" I asked in Japanese.

The radioman nodded.

"Great! Could you put a call for more ammo, food, water, and fuel please?" I requested.

He started the transmission while I was walking out of the LAV. I jogged to Itami. He was talking with his troops.

"Okay, I placed a call in for more supplies. The next thing is to have them do their part," I said.

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