Chapter 1:The War has Started

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Ramirez's POV

<Yokota Air Force Base in Japan>

<May 23, 2022>

Shouts filled the James S. Brady Press Room. The press secretary looked around the room. The reporters leaned forward raising their hand and shouting for attention.

"Yes...You back there. I'll take your question," he said.

All the reporters hushed for one person near the back of the press room.

"What will the president do now that the Japanese are asking for help in the Special Region?" he queried.

"The president will give them military aid but he will not send in our troops until I think it is the right time to do so," the secretary commented.

"Will the Japanese pay you back for anything?"

"We are working on a trade deal at the moment."

The reporter sat back down. Suddenly, a military advisor to the president burst into the room. He walked up to the press secretary and whispered in their ear. The secretary gasped for a second and turned back to the crowd.

"I have grave news to tell you all. The leader of the Russian Federation has declared war on Japan. The Russian Federation has declared war on Japan. They have figured out it was the same Special Region as the Gate in Japan," the news reporter informed.

I turned off the TV. I picked up my cup of water and took a sip.

"So I'm going on deployment," I thought.

I placed the cup of water back down and walked outside. I looked at the window outside. I saw the airstrip filled with UH-1Y Venom and AH-1Z Viper helicopters. I walked back into the room and sat down.

"Come in," I said.

An American soldier walked inside.

"Hi, Ramirez," she said.

"Hi, Ashley. What brings you here today?" I asked while saluting her.

"We have the order to start shipping out soon."

"What unit am I a part of?"

"We're fusing with Third Recon Team."

She handed me a manila folder addressed to me. I looked through the list. There were 12 people mixing with our 10 man squad.

"You sure that the whole numbers thing is a problem? I mean I am a squadron of 10 people. Plus their 12, that would make 22 people. Isn't that much for a recon squad?" I asked.

"You're under the jurisdiction of First Lieutenant Yoji Itami. I want you guys to be helpful to them," she responded, "No further questions. You go to the gate at 1200 hours tomorrow."

"Aye, ma'am."

<1200 hours, May 24, 2022>

"I expect you to do your orders Americans. You are now going to the Special region. Let me remind you that the Russians have declared war on us now. We are all at war. Keep an eye out for Russians, and shoot to kill," the base commander said.

I grasped my Assault Rifle. I never wanted to go to war during my stay in Japan. The doors to the gate slid open a few seconds later. I tended up for a minute. My second in command, Henry Dawson, placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Ease up, they had control of this hill for 3 years," he informed, "If anything, you don't have to worry about walking into a firefight."

"Thanks, mate. That makes me feel a bit better," I responded.

I hopped into the MRAP and turned the engine on. I opened a red handbook I received earlier today. It was a book about simple phrases for the Special Region language. I looked behind me and saw Jerry checking the radios.

"Radio Check One Two," a voice said on my headset.

"Got you loud and clear Jerry," I acknowledged.

I looked back to the street.

"All vehicles, we have permission to move through the gate. I repeat we have permission to move through the gate," the radio mentioned.

I removed the MRAP from its parked status and shifted it to drive. I looked in front of me. The M1A2 Abrams was moving forward. I pressed on the accelerator and the MRAP lurched forward. The tunnel through the gate was dark. It was lit up by everyone's headlights. We traveled for a few minutes before I got the notice.

"We're 2 mikes from the special region end," Charlie said.

"Can you check on the front of the column?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you got it."

We drove forward for a few minutes and then there was light again. It was nighttime in the special region when we got there. I followed the column to the American portion of the Alnus Hill Garrison. I parked the car and hopped out. Jerry walked over to me.

"Sir, they want you to go to their headquarters," he informed me.

"All right, thank you for telling me," I acknowledged him.

I walked to the Japanese side. I knew Japanese since I was in high school so I should do well with the guards. I opened the door to the headquarters but looked back outside. There was a whole city near the base.  I went into the base and saw a JGSDF soldier in the hallway.

"Hi. Do you know where First Lieutenant Yoji Itami is?" I asked in Japanese.

The soldier looked at me and pointed to the door down the hall.

"Thank you," I acknowledged.

I walked down the hall and all I could hear is music. I knocked on the door. The music turned off and there was a scramble to move all papers.

"Come in," a male voice said.

I opened the door and found him sitting by his desk. 

"Greetings sir. I am Ramirez Carter, the commander of the 6th Deep Recon Unit for the Americans. I was informed you needed me," I addressed.

"Yes. Are you the Americans joining my Recon Unit?" he asked.

"Yes, sir."

"I just want to let you know that we're going on a mission tomorrow at 0630 hours."

"To where sir?"


"And what is the objective?"


I looked around his desk. All I could see is anime manga in a box with a name on the side.

"You sure it's just for diplomacy?" I asked.

"All right, I got a request from someone to deliver a box of manga to the Empress," he confessed.


"Yeah. That's just how the government is in the Special Region."

"How many people?"

"Including my unit and your unit, 25 souls."

"Who else is coming. I was only informed of a 12 person squad."

"Yeah. You'll see tomorrow."


I am writing 2 books at one time. However, Sword Art Online: Distance is first priority. Anyway, enjoy the book. 

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