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July 4th, 2022

Ramirez's POV

I couldn't do anything back here in Italica. We don't have enough vehicles to give to the defense of Alnus and Italica.

"Hey, Itami. Don't you wish we could do something?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I wish we could do something," he responded.

I looked up into the sky. The helicopters left 5 minutes ago and I hope Alnus is doing okay.

Bryce's POV

I limped through the confines of the trench. I managed to kill one of the Russians, but a bullet connected with my left leg which left an excruciating pain. I fell back onto the wall of the trench to inspect my wound. The searing pain from my leg skyrocketed once I fell to the ground. 

"Look, blood," one of the Russians spoke.

I gazed down and saw the blood trail leading to my position.

"Shit," I hissed behind my teeth.

The sounds of boots stepping came closer every second. I braced myself for the end of my time. Out of the blue, two explosions manifested near me.

"Fucking Yankee Air Support it here," the Russians shouted angrily.

The statement was followed by a short burst from a nearby gun. I gazed up and saw a transport helicopter hovering above me. There were explosions from the attack helicopters.

"Shoot those bitches down!" one of the Russians shouted.

I frantically looked around for any weapon I could use. Then, I heard the crack of a sniper shot being taken. There were only two Russian soldiers left. I overheard a brief conversation followed by the sounds of fading stomps. 

"They're retreating," I thought.

That was my last thought.

Howard Lee

"Deploy the ropes!" one of the chopper pilots ordered.

I checked outside of the cockpit window and saw four ropes descend from the Blackhawk. Small dots ran away from the summit of Alnus but there was one still lingering. I saw a brief flash of orange near the dot.

"RPG! RPG!" one of the Cobra pilots shouted over the radio, "Spectre 6 take evasive maneuvers."

I saw the minuscule projectile blitz towards the Blackhawk. The helicopter managed to dodge the rocket barely. I glanced back to where the soldier was before, but the area was clear.

"Jesus Fuck, that was way too close," the pilot sighed.

The Army Rangers slid down the ropes and we finally had boots on the ground.

(July 7th, 2022)


Coming back to Alnus was something I dreaded ever since it was attacked three days prior to today.

"So what now?" I questioned Bryce.

"I'm heading stateside," he whispered in his bed.

He indicated a piece of paper on the bedside table. I picked it up and they were honorable discharge papers.

"Well, I'll come back to you soon okay?" I stated.

"You better," he teased.

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