Nothing Goes As Expected

121 3 0

October 5th, 2022

2200 hours

"Fucking shit, there weren't supposed to be this many people," Ashley cursed under my breath.

The intel the squad got stated that there would be eight guards on average but there was twenty-five this time.

"Itami, look," Kuwabara pointed out.

The Japanese Lieutenant watched as a convoy of military vehicles drove up to the compound.

"Spetsnaz," Anderson spoke, "Why the fuck are they here?"

"Got to be something or someone serious here if they brought these guys here," Ramirez stated.

"Look, over there at the convoy," Tomita interrupted.

The two commanding officers shifted their focus to the convoy. A person in a bespoke suit jogged to one of the doors and opened it. A figure stepped out onto the concrete.

Itami exclaimed,"No way, it's him..."

"Who?" Ramirez asked.


"That doesn't matter, the mission doesn't change. We just confirmed that our target is here. Anchors down."

The cracking of stone marked the deployment of anchors followed by the snapping of D-ring clips.

"Ropes deployed," Ashley informed.

"Do we go in quiet or loud?" Itami asked.

"Ashley, Anderson, Travis, Kuwabara, Tomita...There's a vehicle parking area two kicks south of here. Set up some C4 and cause a diversion there," Ramirez ordered,"When the explosion goes off, it should pull some of them away. We'll clear the compound while they're busy."

"Gotcha," Anderson stated.

The four rappeled down the cliffface. Ramirez placed the bino's over his eyes. Anderson wiggled a small mirror reflecting the moonlight. The four figures then promptly ran off into the night.

"Okay, they're good," Itami said.

There were only eight of us left.

"Jeez Rory," Itami whispered.

Kurata looked over in jealousy as Rory piggybacked on him.

"Ramirez, could you bring Lelei down the cliffface?" Itami requested.

"Sure," he complied.

As everyone slowly rappeled down, the weather slowly turned snowy.

"I got you on overwatch," Garret mentioned.

"The explosives are set," Travis informed.

We stacked up near the fence. Ramirez pulled out a small breaching torch to breach the barrier.

"We're clear of the blast area," Tomita mentioned.

"We'll rendevous at the entrance of the compound. Garret, pick off the distracted people," Ramirez stated.

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