Stranger (I) 🍳

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《(Y/n) POV》

Time check: 2pm
Location: Café


🎶It's somethin' 'bout you that's so familiar

Somethin' that's got me wantin' to know you

And I can't put my finger on it
But it feels, oh like I've been here before

It's somethin' about me that makes me wonder

I swear I met you, but you're a stranger
And I can't put my finger on quite what it is

Oh, but I've been here before🎶

It's just a normal day here in Cafe ☀️Solar de🌙Luna. Today is Saturday so its pretty much pack up in here.

Café ☀️Solar de🌙Luna is a cafe where they serve different kinds of pastries, coffee, and milkteas.
And every saturday afternoon. There will be a live band singing acoustic songs

So mostly the customers here our teens to mid 20's

Today there's a lot of people here and tiktokers filming in our cafe.

Which is kinda bothersome but if your working here for so long, you'll get use to it.

Today i'll be working as a casher.

"Hi and welcome to solar de luna! What will be your order today sir?"

A tall man with a long black hair came to the counter. He looks like a korean.

"Uh... can i get large classic milktea with black pears and 1 box of your Set A special."

"Ok sir. What will be your percentage of sugar for your milktea?"

"100% please."

"100% that is! That will be C$30.50 and what name should i put in your cup?"

He blush and really uncomfortable when i asked for his name. Hmm... i wonder why?

"Your future boyfriend."

Cha cha real smooth quite there sir

"Sorry sir, but that name is prohibited. Please change your name."

"How about daddy?"

He blush even more and cover his face with his hand.

Fucking cute! Ah! It felt like my heart just stab by cuteness.

"Sorry sir but that also. Any name that contains sexual or unnecessarily is probihited here. Rules permitted by the owner of this cafe."


I see 4 guys sitting in a six sitter table that the cafe have. 2 laughing there ass off and 2 guys seeing surprise and disbelieve written in there faces.

Must be his friends.

"Im really sorry to make you uncomfortable, i was actually dared to say those."

Then he bow and keep saying sorry.

"Oh no! This happen alot actually. So bowing isn't necessary, please stop."

"Im really sorry."

"Please stop sir! It's really OK. We really get that alot here, so this is actually not new though. But you know sir, if you really want to make it up and to show that your sorry, can you please do me a favor?"

"Yeah sure! Anything!"

"Can you please give me your name, so i can punch your order already. You're kinda holding up the line."

"Oh! It's Hosuh. My name is Hosuh Lee."

"Ok Hosuh. This will be your waiting number and if you see your number on the screen please show us the recipt and number so you can take your order."

"Again I'm sorry for the trouble that i cause."

"Please sir stop"

right on cue a buffy looking guy came to the counter and side with Hosuh.

"Hi! Sorry miss about him but I'm taking him now. I'm Gavin by the way."

He hold his hand in front of me in a shaking hand form. And I, as a nice person I am, almost smack it because there causing trouble up in here. To tell you the truth i actually don't mind them at all because, if you work at a cafe, you'll face alot of individual goofing around and its pretty normal here but today is a busy day and im kinda stress out because im slowly losing energy. But alas i shake his hand to show that it's really cool.

As the guys left and talk. I continue to work but from time to time, i look at there table. Im really curious about them, they seem like a pretty fun group to be with.

Ah! I just wish that this day will finish fast.


🎶And I'll be a fool for you
I know myself, but I pretend
I leave and I come back again🎶

🎶I'm a fool for you🎶

🎶I love you time and time again
I know just how the story ends, oh🎶

🎶Oh, bye, bye, bye, bye
Oh, I, I, I🎶

Why do i keep hearing that song anyways.

To be continue》》

𝙄𝘿𝙆 // Actually Stephen & Oddjayalter ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now