love appraiser (I)

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* no string attach
* play the role
* don't fall


Love was everything in this world.

Love is indescribable yet we know the meaning of it.


is always tested to know that it's love.

Play that significant role to test true love.


I was a little kid at that time when i heard my mom crying-

I asked my mom why'd she cried and she'd say

"Your father was gone."

I thought at that time dad just went somewhere that's why mom is upset, so I said-

"Mom don't worry! Dad will be here soon."

My mom look at me with a sad look for a moment then she guester me for a hug. The moment I hugged her, my mom hold me so dearly and told me-

"Your father left us darling. He will not stay with us anymore."

At first I don't know what is the meaning of that but after some time-

I understand now.

He left for another women.

As a child recieving this kind of news, it was incomprehensible and devastating. A father who you loved because he's your "father" became a man whose worth less than a dime, is far more unconquerable for me, all i know is that he doesn't love us enough to stay and be a father and husband and be the family that we always should be.

And on that day I realise man are not worth the trust.


My father leaving us became my greatest question.

In my life-

"How can a man whose in love became like this?"

I always question that all my life. There are multiply answer and theory to that but it doesn't really make me realise the meaning behind those answer so I test out an option to understand my father better-

The option that show men's nature.

I became a love appraiser

Love appraiser are the judge when it
Comes in relationship. We seek the true nature of your lover.

And that nature is loyalty.
We tested the loyalty of your lover.

𝙄𝘿𝙆 // Actually Stephen & Oddjayalter ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now