19 (NEW).

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But before I could do or say anything Jinyoung took off my shackles and pulled me with him, my body was worn out and my ankle had painful bruises. He pulled me to the parking lot and pushed me into the car and drove off into the unknown.


My grip on the car's safety handle got tighter as Jinyoung was driving at an extremely fast pace on the heavily packed road, I could see his face from the rear view mirror, he looked angry, irritated and disturbed at the same time. I had no idea where he was taking me; I just had one thing in my mind that I had to tell him my side of the story too. The clouds finally poured down the rain drops, which they were kept in for a quite a while from now. The water droplets trickled down the window, condensing on their spot glazing the whole window.

"Screw it!" Jinyoung punched the steering wheel; my body flinched at his sudden action. My eyes traveled to the rear view mirror and I spotted two black cars following us. Jinyoung stepped on the accelerator and at full tilt drove forward. My heart hammered against my chest, I closed my eyes tight and gripped the leather seat rigidly.

"Jinyoung, I need to talk to you." I mustered up courage and spoke up after a few minutes.

"But I don't want to." His reply was short, cold and sharp, but that was not enough for me to shut up.

"No, you will hear me out." I repeated, I can't let this chance slide away.

He kept silent and kept on driving, choosing to ignore me, But I won't give up he has to listen to me today. No matter what.

"Jinyoung listen to me, please." I said and extended my hand to grab his arm.

"Don't you dare do that again." he said his gaze shifting from the road to me and snapped his fingers in front of me. Tears glossed in my eyes but all this time I wished for this moment to come and look today it's here and I fear to say or do what I longed for. I bit my lower lip and spoke up again,

"Jinyoung you can't do this!"

The car came to a surprise and abrupt halt. Jinyoung got out of the car.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped off too. I absorbed in my surroundings and it was a cold, chilly cliff. The navy blue sky hidden by the thick grey clouds enclosed above our heads. I ran after Jinyoung and saw him standing near the dead end.

"Don't come near me or I'll grant your death wish." His vehement tone tore into the thick silence.

"You cannot kill me." I said and stood in front of him looking straight into his dead gaze.

He took a step forward, his jaw clenched, his gaze making me uncomfortable and scared but I stood right in front of him and stared deep into his almond shaped eyes, trying get a hint of emotions but my hopes just pushed me deep down into the sea of hopelessness.

I gulped and finally spoke up,

"My father thought of me as a burden from the start he was so influenced from the people's thoughts that girls are a burden on the family, so he alwa-" Jinyoung tried to cut me off but I placed my hand onto his mouth preventing him to stop. Surprisingly he didn't say anything just kept quite.

"So he always threatened me that he would leave me or throw me away, I was scared of this from the start as I had no one else than my brother and father. My father is a greedy man that's what I realized very late, He told us that your father killed our mother..." I looked down as Jinyoung took a step back.

"That's why I was after you, my aim changed when slowly things were coming to an end. I was confused and stuck and helpless and i never dated Hyunjin he was just a good friend, it was all a misconception......I'm sorry for everything" I whispered in the end letting the tears fall down which I kept in from a long time.

Jinyoung took a step closer to me and grabbed my shoulders roughly; I looked up scared of his reaction.

"Then why?! Why did you do that to me?!" he yelled at me his eyes shining and glowering at me the same time.

"Every day every night I felt like a fool until the last moment I trusted you but you..." he said his words painful.

"Jaebum told me when I already shot you....." I said sobbing softly.

He kept quite still holding my shoulder but his grip loosened a bit now.

"I missed you, every day and every night was like facing death every day." I said and congregated courage and hugged him. I expected him to push me away but surprisingly he didn't move an inch. I buried my face into his shoulder and cried painfully letting it all out which a kept in from almost year. His white shirt was drenched in my tears. I tightened my grip around him and finally felt safe, loved and the loneliness was filled with his presence.


I wasn't planning to listen to her any word but when I looked at her dreaded state my heart squeezed I was under spell. I listened to her and her confession was flabbergasting for me I was not able to say anything but still I won't forgive her so soon even though I know that what her intentions were from the start and her state in which he lived after that incident. Her university and se coming to Korea all was devised by me as Hana begged me to get Hanbin away from Hyunjin. 

"I missed you, every day and every night was like facing death every day." Her words were genuine but her next action took me off guard, she hugged me and started crying out loud. I did not move an inch. Soon after few minutes she pulled apart and looked at me her eyes swollen and red.

"Can we please get back to what we were? Please..." she said hope shining in her eyes. I looked at her and smirked,

"Even if I want to but I can't I have someone else much more special than you." I knew my words would pierce directly into her heart. She smiled weakly and nodded even though pain was evident on her face.

"I still won't leave your side even if you keep on pushing me aside." She said eyes full of painful tears.


"I still won't leave your side even if you keep on pushing me aside." I said hurting really bad. 'I finally lost everything.' I thought to myself. He just laughed at me and walked away leaving me alone in the dark stormy night. His car's engine started and he drove off with looking back. I sat down on my knees looking at the roaring sea ahead of me.


I did not want to leave her there but I had to leave her she has to feel what I felt when she left me. I drove off and called mark on the way on the second bell he answered my call,

"Where are you Jinyoung?" his worried voice blasted through the phone.

"I'm coming home hyung but can you please do me a favor?" I asked him.

"Can you please track Hanbin and get her, her tracker is activated." I said and hunged up.


Future glimpse:

"Oh my god..." I said under my breath and brought my fists near my face ready to fight the numerous people in front of us.


I touched my stinging cheek and hissed as it was hurt really bad. I stood up and saw the two sitting on the sofa. My heart burned but sucked in an exasperated breath and walked to wards the kitchen to aid myself. 

'Rage' || PARK JINYOUNG x READER FF 18+ |♕| ✔️ |Where stories live. Discover now