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I woke up for the second time today.

Once again, Kirishima is in the same bed as me. After our little make out session, he stayed in my room. He didn't really want to leave, and I didn't want him to leave, either.

Kirishima's alarm went off, waking him up. He reaches over and turns it off. I sit up and face him, smiling tiredly. He grins at me. "Morning~" I say, leaning into his shoulder. He places his head on top of mine. "Good morning, Suki~"

We both get ready for the day. It's a Saturday, so we don't have to go to school. Thank god. I give Kirishima some spare clothing from my closet. Hopefully nobody will notice.

As I'm brushing my teeth, Kirishima's phone dings. He goes over to it and checks it, then smiles. "Hey Suki, you wanna go out with the Bakusquad today?" I glance down at my wrist. It's still today's date, September 27. Kirishima clicks his tongue, then grabs my wrist, covering the numbers. "Don't worry about that crap, I promise you you'll be fine." I stay silent, but nod my head. "Alright, we're gonna go now. Is that ok with you?" he asks. I stand up, shaking off the thoughts of the numbers on my wrist. "Yeah, let's go."

We head downstairs to the common room holding each others hand. There are a few people there, and the entire "Bakusquad" or whatever they call themselves. They're already being super loud this early on a weekend day. I shake my head in disappointment.

"Hey guys!" Kirishima greets happily. They all turn around and see us approaching. "Yo, what's YOOOO!!" Dunce Face yells, causing me to flinch. I think I just went deaf in one ear. "When did that happen?!" He continues, pointing to me and Kirishima's hands. "Last night. Got a problem with it." I respond harshly. Dunce Face shakes his head. "No sir!" I click my tongue in response, earning me a nervous giggle from Kirishima. It's still cute tho.

"Ok, here's the plan for today!" yells Raccoon Eyes. "We're gonna go ice skating at the ice rink, and then we'll go out for pizza. Sounds good?" Everyone makes a noise of approval, except for me, who makes a low grunt noise.


We arrived at the city ice rink. There's quite a few people here, but it's not so many that it's impossible to enjoy skating. We all rent ice skates and put them on. They're still cleaning the ice, so we take our time putting on the ice skates. Even as slow as we were, the ice still wasn't done. So Dunce Face and Kirishima decided it'd be a good idea to have a race across the mats to see how fast they were in ice skates. Needless to say, neither of them got to the finish line, because both almost immediately. I had to help Kirishima up, while Dunce Face had to get up on his own.

Eventually, the ice was ready. They open the door, letting everyone onto the ice. Dunce Face pushed everyone aside. "Step aside, future pro heroes! The future number one hero is here to show you how it's done!!" He takes one step onto the ice and immediately loses all balance. Soy Sauce and Raccoon Eyes goes after him to make sure he doesn't kill himself or someone else. That left Kirishima and I by ourselves.

I step onto the ice and glide out. Kirishima gasps. "You can ICE SKATE?!" he yells. I nod. "Yeah, you can't?" I ask. He looks at the ice and shakes his head. "No..." he mumbles. I pull him onto the ice and drag him away from the wall. He flails his arms, struggling to keep balance. "Don't bend your feet in like that. Stand up straight." I command, pointing at his feet. If I'm gonna teach him to skate, I might as well do it right. He struggles at first, but is able to successfully stand up straight without screwing up his feet. "Ok, glide in a straight line." I say. He nods his head in excitement. I guess we should've gone over some basics in how to skate properly, though.

As soon as he put out his foot, he face planted into the ground. I quickly skate to his side. "Are you ok?!" I ask, helping him to his feet. I notice his face is completely fine. Thank god. "Why isn't your face all messed up?" I ask concerningly. Kirishima points to the floor. The ice is all cracked. "I uh... used my quirk. Whoops." he says. I take a deep breath, trying to control my anger. These idiots... "Whatever. We'll just move somewhere else. It's someone else's problem now." I say, helping Kirishima to another part of the ice rink.

We find a chair and use it to help Kirishima work on his balance. After about seven minutes of him using it, I decided that was enough of that. "Now skate without it." I demand. Kirishima's eyes widened. "H-Huh?! Katsuki, I can barely stand WITH the chair!!" he complained. I shake my head in disappointment. "You won't get better if you constantly rely on other things. So it's best to never use help from others." I grin evilly. I hear a woman behind me speaking to her son. "Come on, Duncan, that man is probably a criminal." she says as she leads him to the other side of the rink. Kirishima laughs at me. "Hahahah!! You scared her away!!" he says between laughs, pointing his finger at me. I click my tongue. "Yeah, well, she's weak. Probably has a shitty quirk, too." I say, crossing my arms. Kirishima slowly stops laughing. I don't think he liked that last remark.

"Hey Katsuki?" he asks. "What do you think of my quirk?" I glance at him. He's looking at his hand. "Why?" I ask. He frowns. "Just... I wanna know. Y'know, because your quirk is so cool, and I just always thought mine was... lame." Ohhh, now I get it. Kirishima doesn't think his quirk is as powerful as mine. Which isn't exactly true. His quirk is actually really strong in my opinion. When we work together, it's the perfect combination. His quirk is defensive and can withstand my attacks, and mine is destructive and offensive.

I scoff. "What, you think your quirk is as shitty as your hair?" I ask while grinning. He looks up from his hand. "Um... I don't know?" he asks. I shake my head. "Well, it's not. I think your quirk is pretty cool." I say, looking away at the rest of the group. I'm not really interested in what they're doing, I just don't want to make eye contact with Kirishima. I'm still not good at this 'be a nice person' thing.

Kirishima smiles widely. He slowly walks over to e, careful not to fall over. He slips a little, but is able to successfully hug me. I hugged him back, not only because he fell on me but because I kinda wanted a hug.

Eventually, our passes to skate expire, and we leave the ice rink. As we're walking to wherever we're getting food, Raccoon Eyes remembers something. Or at least that's what it looks like. "Oh yeah! I have to get some cash from the bank. I'll meet you guys at the pizza place!" she saves. "Nah, we can go with you. Right, guys?" Dunce Face says. Everyone agrees while I grunt. So we make our way to this bank. It wasn't very far from where we were.

Raccoon Eyes unlocks the door with her bank card and we all enter the building. While she's at the ATM, the others go to the main area to get lollipops from the desk. I follow them, since it'd be kind of weird for me to stand with Raccoon Eyes while she's at an ATM.

As I walk over to the desk the morons and Kirishima are at, a man dressed in all black walks by me. He bumps into me, throwing me a little off balance. I click my tongue. "Oi, watch where you're going." I growl at him. He turns his face to see me for a moment, letting me see his eyes. I felt a shiver crawl up my entire back.

His eyes were sharp and cold. They were an electric blue. They glared at me. I step back, a little intimidated by him. Jeez, what are you, a scardy cat?? He continues walking to the bank teller without looking back at me. I continue going to the morons, who were trying to convince a worker to let them have a lollipop.

Kirishima notices me coming over. "Yo Suki, you want a lollipop?" he asks, pulling one from the bowl. The man goes to say something, but I glare at him. No way am I gonna let this guy ruin Kirishima's fun. He goes to say something, but his words are cut off by a scream.

I turn around, looking to see what everyone is freaked out about. I really wish we just went to the pizza place. 

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