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The sun filters through the curtain in front of Kastuki's glass door. It's a warm light.

I hug Katsuki tighter. "I don't wanna go to school..." I murmur. I expect a witty response, but I never receive one. Is he still asleep? I sit up to see his face. Only, it's not his face.

It's a pillow.

I immediately feel my anxiety rise. Did he go out last night? Without me?? I quickly get out of bed and run downstairs. Most people are eating breakfast or chatting. They're all in their uniforms, ready for class. Except for me. I run up to the Bakusquad. "H-Has anyone seen Katsuki?" I ask. Everyone shakes their heads. "You don't know where he is?" Mina asks. "No! He must've left in the middle of the night or something..." I trail off. "Was he acting weird yesterday?" Sero asks. "Uh, I don't know? Well, he asked if he could call me by my first name. Which was kind of weird because it was out of place, but it didn't strike me as suspicious." I say, recalling last night's events.

Suddenly, the TV news station reporter starts talking louder than before. I turn around, seeing Midoriya turning up the volume. The screen is flashing in different colors with the words 'Breaking news' going across the screen. I quickly walk over to where everyone was. The Bakusquad also follows me.

"What's going on?" I ask. Midoriya turns to me. "Oh, they found a body out in the city. I think they just identified them." he says. "Oh." I respond. This isn't helping me find Katsuki. I look down at my wrist.


Huh? Shouldn't it be 10-11? I almost say something, but the reporter on the TV speaks before me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the authorities have identified the body that was discovered this morning in this alleyway I'm standing near." she says, pointing to an alleyway that was, in fact, behind her. A photograph flashes onto the screen, with her voice in the background.

"The body of Bakugou Katsuki, former student of UA High School, was discovered."

Everyone goes silent. Nobody dares say a word, or move a muscle. Suddenly, the TV turns off. We all turn to the culprit, Aizawa Sensei. He looks more tired than usual. "I..." he trails off. We all remain silent, awaiting his response. "... I didn't want you all to wake up first thing in the morning to this." he says.

I feel my knees give in, and I fall to the ground. People around me come to my comfort

Katsuki is... dead?


It's been 15 days since Katsuki's murder. My birthday. The police determined it was the League of Villains after finding evidence on the crime scene.

According to what they believed to have happened, KAtsuki left the dorm building at around 11:43, which was around the time I fell asleep. It gets complicated after that, but they believe Katsuki was walking around, and was then attacked by the League.

But I know that's not completely true.

I know Katsuki did this for me. I know he sacrificed himself so I would stop giving him more time to live. I just wish he hadn't.

I wish he was still here with me. I wish he was holding me right now, and telling me it was all an awful, awful nightmare.

But he's not coming back.

I sit on the rooftop of the dorm building, by the edge. I have no intentions of jumping off, I'm only up here to think.

Sometimes I wonder if this whole thing was planned out. If fate had wanted me to suffer so badly that it would do something so cruel to Katsuki and I.

Some people debate if we, as humans, truly have free will, or if fate has already predestined us to make the decisions we make. Which begs the question; is it even possible to escape your fate?

I find it hard to believe that we can escape fate.

But someone taught me otherwise.

The End.


This is such a short chapter compared to the others, but I really couldn't think of any other way to end this story.

However, I want to thank you for reading this story! It's my first really "angsty" story, if you really want to call it angst. But it's the first fic I've written where one of them dies, so go fish :P

But anyways, thank you so much for reading this entire story! I hope you enjoyed it!

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