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Yesterday was an hour and a half of successful training. For the past few days I've had struggles with my free throws. The first shot I took was way off as usual, then I heard Kobe say "Your line is off.". The next shot I took, I took the time to breathe, line my frame up with the hoop, and....swish. Fixed the problem.

Last night my best friend did a spirit box session with Kobe and Gianna. He heard Gianna say "Help! Daddy!" Gianna loved her father and her father loved her with all of his heart. he was the father to Gianna that I deserved from the beginning. It's like he knew that my father never took the role of a true father. That's why he's watching over me as if I were his own daughter.

A few moments after my best friend hung up the phone and went to bed, I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion take over me. I heard Gianna's words over and over "Daddy! Help!" That was when I knew, those were her last words. She was alive and crying out for her father to help her, but he was already gone....

That's the real reason why Kobe watches over me as if I were his own......he doesn't want to fail me like he failed Gianna.......and my father failed me, so he's stepping in spiritually to give me the support I should've got from my father my entire life.......wow.....

Honor Him: The life of a girl who lives on in honor of Kobe Bryant Where stories live. Discover now