A Super Stars Fan

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Hello here's the next chapter of A Secret in the Shadows. Not really an important chapter. Two more characters well be added to the story. Reiko and her mother Amaya. They've been in prievious chapters but only Reiko was mentioned by name. These two are Original characters created by me. Do not use them. Please enjoy.

Shinki followed Katana's trail quickly and quietly. It seemed to him his ability was tracking people using their aura. What he was doing right now was following an aura trail but it was still tracking in his eyes. The trail Shinki was following was Katana's. He knew it was because it had the very color he always associated with Katana. The color he always saw around his friend.

Shinki could see a person's aura in colorssurrounding them. Everywhere a person went they left a color trail behind. Shinkicould see and follow that trail. Katana's color was teal. The same color as hiseyes Shinki thought to himself. He followed the trail at a slow steady pace. Hewasn't in any hurry to catch up.

Katana's aura trail led Shinki all the way to Harmony Park. He wasn't surprised as it seemed this was a favoured park for the whole city as well as Katana and other supernaturals. Shinki didn't hesitate in entering said park. He walked a distance from the entrance until he found who he was looking for.

Sitting on the grass in front of the pond withhis back to him was Katana. Leaning against the tree nearby was a vampire bothShinki and Katana were familiar with. Freddy of the Super Stars. Was he herewaiting to see if the half vampire girl he'd been told about showed up today?Zac did say the Super Stars would be keeping an eye on the park for her. Maybethat was what Freddy was doing.

"Shinki's here," the blue haired vampire told Katana as he noticed him approaching.

"You track me with that ability thing of yours?" Katana smiled remembering the talk a while ago about Shinki's ability possibly kicking in.

"Yeah," Shinki replied back as he sat next to his friend. "What brings one of the Super Stars here?"

"I needed to get away from Mick and Bowie. Theirannoying each other again and it was getting on my nerves."

"So you volunteered to stake the park out for Reiko," Shinki filled in as Freddy nodded. He'd guessed right after all.

"I haven't been here long only a couple hours. I really don't want to go back to the hideout right now with Mick and Bowie acting the way they are."

There was silence for a while. Katana just satthinking about the loss of Kyo and how he was going to get through never seeinghis parents again. Freddy was thinking about how Akira was doing being stucklistening to Mick and Bowie all day while he was out waiting for this halfvampire girl. Shinki was thinking about Lui and if he had been caught or not.

"Hey did the Super Stars hear anything about if Lui was caught yet or not?" he asked.

"No," Freddy said with a shake of his head.

"Neither has Rideout," Shinki confirmed.

"If the wolves can't track him and you have somekind of ability for tracking than the High Council might ask you to help themfind him so they can finally bring him down," Freddy told Shinki.

"Have you spoken to your shaman friends?" asked Katana.

"Yes. Daigo's training is coming along fine. He's getting stronger every day and should soon be able to summon his first spirit. Then Jin will have him work on his bonds with it and eventually they'll work on fighting techniques," Freddy revealed.

"That's good," Shinki put out.

"I have an idea about something but I want totalk to Zac and Jin first. It might help Katana feel better about Kyo," Freddyinsisted.

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