Chapter 1

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POV #1

I opened my eyes to a fluorescent lightbulb overhead. My memory feels hazy, the last thing I remember was seeing Doña Carmen on a podium, sentencing me to a new period of suffering under her command. Given how blurry the memory seems, I shook it off as a horrible nightmare.

Until I sat up and saw the metal bars confining me.

I sat up straight to get a better perspective of my surroundings. On top of my bed was another one, framed by chipped wood. The ground was cold underneath my bare feet as I padded to the rusty cell bars to see what was on the other side.

A burly figure in a police uniform stood  to the left, her back towards me as she flashed her hairbun from one side to the other. Several other figures in blue littered the hallway, a few restraining other female figures.

Why did it have to come to this? I thought as I held my face in my hands. Okay fine, we killed some bad people and as a result we ended up as fugitives on the run. But luck is not always on the good guys' side, no matter how unjust the consequences are.

My brain flooded with a million thoughts and questions. Is Sofia still safe? Where was Carlos taken? Is Francisco okay after abandoning our escape plan reluctantly? My mind also shifts to Eva. Whatever awaits Carlos cannot be good, and my heart aches remembering how I kept him from speaking to her on the phone.

Sure, at the time he was acting like a completely arrogant stranger, unrecognisable from the man I reluctantly ended up loving. However, his actions in the past few days made me feel like he was returning to his old self, the one I fell in love with.

Back to Eva, I really hope she is okay. My mouth twitches in a half-smile as I remembered all the obstacles thrown in my way after I found out I was pregnant with her. The almost successful forced abortion, Carlos's save and a leap of desperation from a hospital window. I then recalled the day I was supposed to be wedded to her father and the tragedy it ended in, and the people lost permanently or indefinitely.

As my mind raced, I failed to register the metal clang of keys against metal followed bt the creak of the cell door opening.

"Aguilar?" a deep female voice demanded.

My head snapped up towards the voice in response.

"You're coming with me."

***I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Any feedback is appreciated and I will try to update as soon as I can ☺️ - B ***

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