Chapter 14

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Lidia's POV

As I pulled away from Carlos and I looked into those eyes, I came to a surprising realisation.

I no longer resented him for what happened in the past. During my time inside the Rehabilitation Centre, the prospect of never seeing him again or seeing him with Eva again helped me to forgive his past wrongdoings.

Francisco will always have a special, reserved place in my heart, but adulthood has changed us. We're not the same teenagers who travelled to Madrid all those years ago. Meeting Carlos was at first a means to an end, but it became more than that. Neither of us wanted to fall for the other, but it happened inevitably. Even after I hurt him with the truth, and he hurt me with his prolonged cold-shoulder, we both reconciled thanks to the hope brought along by Eva's arrival.

Telling Francisco was no easy task, not wanting to break his heart yet another time, but it went surprisingly easier than I expected. He understood, and wished us all the best. Only this time, unlike other times in the past, the look in his eyes said that he actually meant it.

Me and Carlos are both wanted criminals by the Nationalists, so we decided it was best to move back to America for the duration of the war. Francisco decided to stay despite my and Carlos's many objections. Just like how he managed to save Carlos, he wants to help out the Republicans in any way he can in the war, as he declared that he found a sense of fulfillment in the line of work.

Pablo and Marga are coming along with us, in search for a better life for themselves and their children. So are Carlota and Óscar, who, upon hearing about the success of the suffragettes movement almost a decade ago, were instilled with hope that they could mobilise a new movement. It's so people like them can feel included in society so they stop hiding in the shadows behind false pretences, be themselves and love each other openly. At least, that's what Carlota told me.

At last, the moment finally arrived. The memory I yearned for after we were brutally separated, to say a proper goodbye to Francisco.

"Francisco, you have always has been family to me" I said in an emotional tone, and at this he smiled knowingly. "I was alone when we reunited ten years after moving to Madrid, and I couldn't have built up the network of friendships I have today without you. You have touched my life in a way only few have before. I'll never forget what you did with me, and how even after 10 years, you still helped me when I was in trouble back at the telephone company when fate reunited us once more." We both smiled at this and embraced warmly one last time.

As we parted, I heard Eva's voice behind me, "Francisco, will I ever see you again?" and I could tell he was touched, he and Eva had built up a strong bond over the past 5 years. He crouched in front of her and replied "Sweetie, I promise that I'll try my best to see you again soon, but for now I need a bit of time to figure things out on my own. I will always be with you in there, okay?" and he pointed to her heart whilst finishing the sentence. She then hugged his neck, and he hugged her back.

Then, it was Carlos left to say goodbye to him. As Eva moved to stand next to me, Carlos stepped forward and made eye contact with Francisco as he addressed him.

"Francisco, you were at first just the husband of my sister, an annoyingly intelligent stranger who I admittedly became jealous of seeing how my father entrusted you with the telephone company over his own son. Despite that, our relationship went deeper than that- I considered you, still consider you as my brother, and you are more family to me-" his voice broke here "than my biological family ever was. And I have no idea how to repay you for all that you have done for me. I wouldn't be standing alive here, with a loving family, if it hadn't been for you and your influence."

At this, they embraced, and when they pulled away, tears were shining in both men's eyes. Carlos put a steady hand on his shoulder as he said "Anyway, if you ever change your mind and decide to come to America, you know where to find your family." At this Francisco's mouth quirked into a half smile and put his hand over Carlos's hand on his own shoulder in reply.

We then grabbed our suitcases, and started to embark the ship. But we couldn't go straight in without sparing one last glance at Francisco, and we waved at him in farewell. He waved back, a sad smile on his lips, and we then entered the ship.


As I surveyed our room, I suddenly heard the door lock shut behind me, and my heart sped up, suddenly nervous. Hot breath breathed down my neck as an all too familiar voice whispered in my ear.

"Eva's with Marga and Pablo, so we have the place to ourselves for the night." My breath hitched in my throat in anticipation for what was to come.

--- Well, you guys can guess what happened next...😏 Just kidding haha, you guys are soon gonna get one more chapter, and it will be the finale of this book. I hope you enjoyed the journey so far, and if you did, vote and leave a comment as you wish! I definitely enjoyed this experience, and I hope you'll all tune in for the final chapter, scheduled to be released next week ❤️- B  ---

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