Chapter 12

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Lidia's POV

Today is the day.

I barely got any sleep last night thanks to my endless train of thought, hypothesising about what could happen or trying to think of the absolute best fool-proof plan given my current resources, but it is basically impossible to predict what could go wrong. It could be the smallest thing which you didn't even think of, and it ends up biting you in the ass. And that last reflection was the thing that tormented my thoughts most frequently that night.

This morning, I'm impatiently pacing through my dim cell, back and forth, back and forth, whilst biting my nails. My eyes scanned the room I was in wildly, trying to deduce if there was anything at all I could use to facilitate my escape. But nothing in my immediate surroundings gave me any ideas. But then I thought of my prison uniform and the change of clothes I had stored behind the toilet. Should I just leave the clothes here because they're of no use to me when I'm out? But then they would know that they're not looking for a fugitive in uniform, so it would give them an advantage. There was no solution for it except take the clothes with me and burn them afterwards.

Speaking of clothes, after I got out, I'd have to completely reinvent my style, maybe dye my hair another colour or change its length. And of course it would be necessary that I take Eva with me so they don't use her as a pawn to lure me out.

At some point my lunch came in through the slit in the door. I took it, without much enthusiasm as my stomach lurched at the thought of consuming food. But I forced myself to eat some, I was sure I was going to need the energy later.

After what seemed like an eternity lying face upwards in my bed, it was almost nine, so I took some deep breaths to steel myself for what was to come. But it wasn't enough to drown out the violent thumping of my heart in my chest, a betrayal of how nervous I really was. But ready or not, I was doing this.

I pulled at the toilet until it gave me access to the hole, took out the tape recorder with my recently recorded audio, then the clothes, which I then put on over my uniform, obscuring the uniform underneath as best I could. I then turned on the tape recorder, slipped into the hole, and pulled the toilet back in place behind me. I then turned on the torch, not knowing what to expect, and to my surprise, a glowing white line marked the path I needed to take against the blue light of the torch. I then grabbed the crowbar in my other hand and started following the line at a jogging pace.

Unnamed officer POV

The screeching somehow went on further than the usual approximate ten minutes, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Aguilar! Put a sock in it! Honestly," I scoffed. But the singing went on as if I hadn't said a word. I blowed, steeling myself for a further ten minutes of singing which I assumed would follow, seeing how she completely ignored me. Then I heard a stranger noise. The singing was almost cutting off at random intervals. I moved closer to the door and became aware of the tinny quality of the sound. Frowning, I smashed my keys inside the lock and opened the door. As it opened I heard the sound of the door hitting something, and my eyes widened when I saw what it was. A tape recorder. My eyes frantically searched the room for any sign of Aguilar.

But she was gone.

I then grabbed my walkie talkie and bellowed "We have a prisoner on the run! Get me backup IMMEDIATELY!"

Lidia's POV

The unmistakable sound of an alarm blaring suddenly boomed through the tunnel.

My heart almost stopped, and I did the only thing I could. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I raced the glowing white line that illuminated my path to freedom religiously, hoping against hope that at the other end- a familiar face awaits.

---Hey guys, thanks for being patient with me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, another update is coming your way soon later today! Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment what you think!- B ---

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