Chapter 10

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Lidia's POV

It seemed like an eternity later after I was told that I had a visitor, reminding me of that first visit earlier on. Of course, it was Francisco again, but I wasn't any less relieved to see him than before.

I smiled at his glossy face as I took a seat opposite him and grasped the receiver in my hands.

"Hey, how are you doing?" his voice cracked against my ear.

"Not too bad. I became good friends with my cellmate, so I don't feel that lonely anymore." I replied.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad to see that you are doing better." he genuinely answered, obviously referring to my distressed state last time he saw me, having just found out about Carlos. I stilled at the memory, not wanting to go back there but still not having gotten over it.

I don't know if I'll ever be over it, if I'm honest with myself.

Then, I remembered something else I probably should inform him about

"By the way, I talked to Doña Carmen recently."

His eyebrows shot up "Really? What did she say?" he asked.

"Of course, she was her usual unpleasant self, she wasn't surprised to see me in here, she actually seemed pleased to see me in here. But she had no idea about Carlos, so I left her to chew on that." I replied, my mouth thinned into a line.

He scoffed "She isn't making life harder for you in there, is she?"

"Not that I know of, yet. I'm still on my guard, I know how unpredictable she can be." I admitted. "How's your plan to get me out of here going?" I wondered audibly.

"It's going" he said, and he discreetly pulled out a piece of paper from the breast pocket of his jacket, and slid it under the barrier separating us, all the while staying in eye-contact with me. He then put a finger to his lips, and moved closer to the glass as he mouthed "Hide it."

I started to slowly fold up the paper as he continued "You just have to trust me. I know this is taking a long time, and that it may seem like we made zero progress, but you need to have a little faith" he finished, and by that time, the folded up piece of paper was hidden beneath my clothes, in my bra.

I nodded, but wondered why he couldn't tell me whatever was on that paper. He must have realised my confusion because he continued talking.

"Our time is almost over here, so you should take some time alone to think about what I said" he said while winking, "and be careful who to trust. Oh, and before I forget, I brought Eva to Madrid. She's staying with Marga, so you shouldn't worry."

"That was a good call." I replied "I wouldn't want her to stay in America for so long while we're both here. What did you tell her about where I am?" I asked him.

He sighed "You know how inquisitive she is. I told her that you're visiting some friends for a funeral, and that you're staying with them for a while to help them sort out some things."

"Good." I said.

"Time's up Aguilar." the guard behind me said.

"Take care of her, and yourself." I finished, putting my hand over the place his were on the glass, and started back to my cell.

"Can we stop by the bathroom?" I asked the guard, who shrugged in response. Once I was in the toilet booth, I pulled out the paper and started reading.


The plan to get you out of here is in motion. Here's what you need to do. Figure out some way for you to get sent to isolation, maybe get into a fight of some sort with another inmate. You'll be escorted to this particular cell where the path out is already prepared, behind the toilet which you will be able to move.

You should find some items there to help buy you some time there, including a voice recorder. I need you to take up the habit of singing every day, so when you record yourself one day, you can play it back while you escape and the guards outside won't suspect anything is up.

In 4 days you are to attempt this at 9pm. Another item you will find there is an Ultraviolet lamp which will help you navigate your way outside. I will be there when you come out.

Take care,


P.S. - eat this paper after reading it thoroughly, and don't worry, both the ink and paper are edible

I reread the paper a couple of times after stuffing the paper in my mouth. The paper crunched in my mouth as I wolfed it down, and a dryness lingered on my tongue after the task was complete.

The only way I was going to get out of here was via an escape, which if gone wrong, would mean a certain death.

*** Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for updating a bit late, I'm quite busy at the moment but I tried to find time to finish this chapter as well. Thanks for your constant support and vote if you liked it!- B***

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