Chapter 4

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POV #2

My eyelids slowly opened, heavy as lead, and the effort to do so took me by surprise as it's as if they were shut by glue. I was immediately aware of a searing pain in my head, and groaned loudly in pain as I relented and let my eyes close shut again.

" awake?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice nearby ask.

I wanted to answer back with some sarcastic remark about how I wish I was still asleep, when I realised I have no idea where I am or why.

"You're lucky to still be here, you had us worried there for a hot minute" the same voice said.

" I? Who are you?" I croak, trying to recall my last few memories for guidance.

"I'm afraid it would compromise my job to tell you that, but I can reassure you that you are safe. As for the second question, my name is Luca, your guard for the time being."

"Guard? Why would someone need to guard me? And how was I not consulted upon this?" I demanded, as I ran my hands over my face.

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything you need to know in a minute. But be warned, it's a lot to take in." Luca soothed.

My heart started beating wildly in my chest as started to rise from the bed, but Luca held my shoulders back.

"Don't wanna make you dizzy, you should take it easy" as he gently helped me sit up on the creaking bed, sandwiching a pillow between my head and the bedpost.

"You will understand why I'm being this cautious soon" he assured me, as his hazel eyes focused on accomodating my head better.

He sighed as he sat down on a chair beside the bed.

"I don't know where to begin, if I'm being honest, so I'll just launch into the story."

"2 weeks ago, you were escorted to your office after your unsuccessful execution. Romero was there, and he wasn't happy with the stunt you tried to pull off with that woman..."

I cried her name out automatically as I sat up straight, interrupting his progress. "Where is she? Is she safe?" I urgently inquired, wide-eyed.

"I understand that you must have a thousand questions, and I will answer them as I can. However, I would appreciate it if you leave them for the end after I finish answering your initial question."

"Course, excuse me." I muttered sheepishly, not taking kindly to heart the manner in which he is keeping me in suspense and in the dark about her well-being and whereabouts, but I understood where he was coming from.

"Now where was I? Yes, Romero. He wasn't happy with your escape attempt or that you were protecting the person who murdered his son. In fact, he sentenced you to commit the highest dishonour for a soldier, killing themselves."

I remembered then, as he was recounting the event, from my own personal point of view.

"You then challenged him to get his own hands dirty for once and to do it himself, provoking him to get out his gun and do it. He then staged it to make it look like you killed yourself and left."

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair, not knowing what to expect next. Was I some sort of miracle? Or was there some form of a guardian angel looking out for me? Or was I actually dead, and this is some premature stage of the afterlife?

He continued "We had a person on our side on the inside, who had replaced the bullets in Romero's gun with less lethal rubber ones, and the shot knocked you out cold. He then called us with the information, and we had our people retrieve your 'body' in disguise, with a black van and everything so nothing would seem suspicious on their side."

"Wow" I said, finding all this a little hard to believe. Why would whoever this guy works for go to such lengths to protect me? I knew he was with the Republicans, noticing his use of 'us' and 'them', but why would they want me protected seeing that I had been spying against them all this time? I thought as I swallowed nervously.

"You were in a critical condition when we got you to a private hospital, as a shot to the head can have so many repercussions regardless of the bullet type and caliber. In fact, you were suffering with some internal bleeding which was taken care of just in time."

"You were then moved here as a precaution after your condition had stabilised, and I was assigned with protecting and nursing you back to health, as I'm also a qualified medic."

I then dared asked the question that had been tormenting my thoughts for the past few seconds "Why did you go to such lengths to save me?"

Luca leaned forward and looked me square in the eye "Well, we are aware of how you double-crossed us with the Nationalists, but unlike them we don't stoop to their level. In fact," he paused "we were counting on your gratitude for saving your life"

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"We need your help so we can turn the tables on those Nationalist bastards, Carlos."

*** OMG he's STILL alive what?? Also, surprise early update! As you might have noticed, this book will be written from 2 perspectives, that of Lidia (#1) and Carlos (#2). I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, especially since it took me a while to plan out and write. Vote if you liked it and comment what you think is in store for our characters next!- B ***

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