Chapter 7

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Carlos's POV

It has been a very long week since I agreed to fully cooperate with the Republicans. Interrogation after interrogation, hour after hour, a new face after another, the week took a sort of exhausting rhythm I eventually got used to. The only consistency was in the presence of Luca and Francisco in my free time, striking up casual conversation about recent developments on the war and my own recovery, among other safe topics to talk about. As eerie as it may be, I found comfort in their company, conditional as it had initially been, and it seemed that I wasn't the only one enjoying our conversations, either.

So, imagine my relief when Francisco finally told me that had I had nothing left to put on the record, they were done with me. I sagged in relief and thanked God that was finally over. He said that the information I provided was bound to be useful, and thanked me for my honesty. To my surprise, he somewhat reluctantly admitted that his trust in me was finally regained. Upon hearing that I snorted and instinctively asked "What, trying to help Lidia escape from death's grip wasn't enough?" His expression hardened upon hearing her name, and it dawned on me that I still had no idea where she was, and I was promised to be told now, so I pointed it out to him.

He raked his hand through his hair and implored me to sit, which I did reluctantly, suddenly worried about her current wellbeing. He sighed, "Lidia is alive, but she's in captivity. She's currently a prisoner in the Madrid Female Rehabilitation Facility"

My eyes widened in horror "Did you see her? How is she doing? Why haven't you tried to get her out yet?" I asked breathlessly, not sure I want all the answers I'm asking for.

His mouth thinned into a line before he replied "Yes, I did in fact go to see her. She seems fine, considering her circumstances, but I'm worried for her mental health if she stays in there for much longer. As for your final question, that correctional facility is a high security one, run by the Nationalists, so even when I went to visit her I had to be careful of what I told her since I was afraid they were tapping our call. In fact..." he trailed off.

"What? Tell me." I pleaded.

"Before I tell you and you get mad at me, try to put yourself in my shoes and understand why I did it, to protect her and for your own safety. So, what I was going to say was that I told her that that day when you almost died in your did in fact die. Of suicide."

My knuckles clenched at his words, and my body ached to punch him for making her go through the emotional distress she likely did because of his lie. But the voice of reason inside me said that he was right, they could have been eavesdropping on their call, and it was better that they believed I was truly dead.

"She was obviously distraught of the notion of you being dead. In fact, she couldn't find reason of why you would kill yourself in the first place" he continued.

"Fuck." I replied, as I remembered opening up to her that night in the motel room about the scar on my back. She was sure to remember it, and it would seem to her that all the pieces fit into the puzzle. "What about the other thing you said I'd want to be involved in?"

"The escape plan. We're currently formulating a way to get her out of that place. Diplomatic attempts would be futile since one of the Generals has a personal reason to want her to pay for her actions, so an escape plan would be one of the few viable options we have to get her out of there." Francisco replied.

"You were right about that, I definitely want to be included in this" I replied in a half-smile.

Francisco smiled before taking a deep, laborious breath "There's one more thing I have in store for you. But for it, we'll have to go somewhere."

***Surprise, double update! Hope you liked this chapter, if you did then vote and comment what you thought about it. Also, scroll down to the next chapter for a real treat 😉 -B***

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