Prologue: The beginning came with an end.

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(This story is mainly based on the DC comics and will be a bit longer. I am sorry for some probably wrong sentences in it. I'm not a native speaker and this is my first attampt translation of my own fanfiction. Please feel free to inform me if some parts are hard to understand. I will try to make them better for you guys. Also as always the Charakters belong to DC and I will point out some canon things with marked* comments. Have fun!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ )

Still dazed, Nightwing slowly gained his consciousness back. The first thing he felt were the vibrations from the floor and the sough in his ears. He raised his eyelids laboriously. His blurred vision cleared slowly and mountains of burning debris piled up in front of him. 

Still confused, he gradually sat up, trying to understand what had happened and so piece by piece memories poured back into his confused mind. The occult organization he had pursued with the Teen Titans, the opening of a portal and this demon which catapulted him into the next wall with just a flick of his finger, ... Trigon.

Immediately Nightwing was wide awake. He coughed violently to get rid of the dust in his lungs. The many destroyed buildings around him and all the soot stung inside his chest. He had to get up immediately and check on Damian and the others. After all, it was his job to protect them. He would never forgive himself if something happened to one of these teens.

Nightwing rose and stood, still a little shaky , back on his feet before he winced in pain. He must have bruised a few ribs on the impact, if not even broke one or two. His left arm hung motionless by his side. Balled out and he thought to himself why it always have to be his arms that get to be hurt in a fight. Dick started to believe it was some kind of running gack among the bad guys. Fortunately, experience came with frequency. So he dragged himself to the next ironpillar, concentrated briefly on his breath, and rammed his shoulder against the hard metal at the right angle. Accompanied by a loud crack , the joint slipped back into its pan and Dick breathed calm the familiar pain away.

Nightwing looked around again. Only leftovers and ashes, but no Justice League or Titan members. He had to be thrown further away as he first thought, or the battle now took place somewhere else.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion behind a destroyed skyscraper right in front of him. Assuming that this was not caused by some leaking gas, Dick took his strength together and ran as well as his body was currently able to after the noise.

The further he got, the louder it was. Shrieks of strange creatures and fighting noises confirmed that his assume was indeet correct and when he saw Starfire up in the sky shooting at something, he speeded up.

Nightwing just turned around the next corner, when he could only avoit, thaks to his good reflexes, Superman who was flying towards him and crashed into the next big building that then collapsed loudly over the No. 1 Justice League member. Dick's eyes widened. This Trigon was probably not the normal type of villain, if even Superman could be knocked out so easily by him. Because aktually there was nothing moved under that building anymore.

Dick swallowed hard. He was starting to feel really queasy before his head now turned to look at the battlefielt in front of him. 

Trigon stood in the middle of a crater of ashes and fire. Surrounded by Justice League members lying on the ground and behind him the open portal to his hellish dimension, from which more and more monsters poured out. Some of the remaining members tried their best to keep the creatures away from Starfire , Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Batman so that they could continue to fight the main demon unhindered. Trigon, however, only smiled at thier efforts.

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