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I'm so sorry for the really slow updates. Thank you for all the positive feedback. I hope you like what happens next!

Last Chapter Ending:

Clint is still looking at the picture of Maddie and Ben.

"That's my Uncle Ben. We used to go to baseball games all the time. That's from when the Met's made the World Series. He couldn't find tickets anywhere. But the fire departments got tickets to every game, and he was given the tickets to the seventh game. They won the whole series that game."

-------------- Chapter 23--------------

"That's cool you got to go." Clint says.

"Yeah it was so much fun." Maddie responds, "That was the thing me and Uncle Ben always did just the two of us, I mean occasionally Peter and May would come, but it would mostly just be us." Maddie gets lost in thought.

"This is really good." Steve says, pulling Maddie out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Maddie states.

"This drawing." Steve turns around a drawing he has in his hands. Its a colored pencil drawing of the beach. It brings out the most beautiful features of the scene. Bruce is looking at a couple more drawings they found in her desk.

"These are all really good." Bruce says.

"Thanks" Maddie says shyly, looking down.

All the pictures are put away and her desk is basically done, besides her art projects.

"Where should we put these so they don't get ruined in the boxes?" Steve asks.

"Umm, I have a folder for them somewhere. I guess just put them on my bed for now until I find the folder."

They work on the rest of the room, she packs up her clothes. They pack up some of her other stuff, art supplies, trophies, etc. Her room is completely in boxes.

"I think we're done in here." Maddie says.

"Great" Clint says.

They go into the living room, where everyone else is packing up movies and home videos.

"Your all done?" Peter asks.

"Yup" Maddie responds.

"I didn't know if you wanted to finish putting those pictures in the album or not so I left them."

"Yea, I'll finish now."


Maddie sits on the floor next to the coffee table and starts sliding the pictures on the table into the slots in one of the albums. She gets through all of them while everyone else packs up other stuff. She has one left. The one of her and Peter at the baseball game. She's staring at it when Peter looks over. He walks over to her and sits next to her with his arm around her. She puts it in the photo album and closes it.

"I'm done." She says quietly. Only Peter and Tony, who is sitting on the couch behind her can hear the words. Josh walks in.

"Hey. Sorry I'm really late. The subway broke down. " He looks around and sees everyone. "Hi, I'm Josh." Steve laughs.

"Steve" Steve waves. Everyone who didn't meet Josh earlier introduces themselves.

After introductions, everyone continues to pack, sometimes joking around, sometimes just working in silence but eventually they get the whole apartment done. They fill up the van with boxes and put the boxes with garbage in the dumpster on the side of the building. They go up one more time to make sure nothing was left behind. When its established everything was removed from the appointment, everyone files out, Maddie and Peter the last ones. Peter looks at Maddie as they walk out. She sees his eyes and squeezes his hand. Josh goes home and everyone else gets in the van.

The ride home is quiet. Maddie fell asleep with her head on Peter's shoulder after the first five minutes. When they arrive at the tower, they decide to bring the boxes in, in the morning. Peter carries Maddie up to her room and everyone else heads to bed.

Peter tucks Maddie in and Teddy jumps into bed next to her. He kisses Maddie on the cheek, then ruffles the fur on Teddy's head and proceeds to his own room where he quickly falls fast asleep.

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