Chapter 26;

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Holly's POV

After lunch with Eleanor and picking Harly up, I walked back home slowly, not in a real rush. I walked through my local park, sitting on a bench whilst Harly ran around close by.

As I attached the leash back to her collar and began walking back home my phone rang. I didn't recognise the number but I answered anyway. "..Hello?"

"Hi, Holly McIntyre?"


"Hi, I'm Carla. I know your friend Eleanor."

"Oh, hello.."

"I work for a magazine called Gliss. Eleanor spoke about you looking for a job, I may have one for you.."

My hand flew to my mouth in shock. "Okay that's great um, sure!"

She laughed at my rushed words. "I have your email address, I'll email you details about an interview I'll be holding. It's tomorrow."

I swallow. "Okay, great."

"Great, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah.." I breathe opening my front door.

Me: Just got a call from someone called Carla.. you are the bestest friend ever! Love you! Xxx

Eleanor: Didn't want to say in case she didn't ring, her magazine is quite high profile and she was quite hesitant to consider interviewing someone she wasn't familiar with but after I told her all about you she changed her mind ;) love you too xxx

Me: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Won't let you down BFF xxx

Eleanor: I know you won't xxxx

I smile making myself some food and laying down Harly a fresh bowl.

Around seven pm Harry arrived home quickly kissing me on the lips.

"Good day?" I ask standing in the kitchen doorway as he grabs a banana and starts peeling it.

"It was okay. Booked my LA flights, leave friday." He was being brief again..

"When are you home?"

He bites into the banana, "The 31st."

"The day before your birthday?" I ask.

He nods, mouth full of banana.

"So we can do something for it?"


"Will you be working that week?"

"I think I'll be off from my birthday to the 5th." He answers.

I smile planning in my head.

"Okay, I'm glad you'll be home." I was trying and hoping for a more in depth conversation, but he wasn't giving me one, his eyes hardly meeting mine, his mind else where.

He nods. "Me too." He throws the peel away before looking at his phone for the time. "Got to go babe, just changing my shirt."

I frown. "Where are you going?"

"Josh knows some people, been invited to some fashion event, PR say it's good for me to go, get talking with some new people, and I couldn't really turn them down."


He kisses my forehead moving upstairs. Minutes later, he's back down grabbing a satsuma and peeling it before eating three pieces at a time.

"Don't you want proper food? I was going to order pizza.."

He shakes his head. "My manager had a talk with me about being healthy from now on, my next year is crucial, I need to be fit and healthy."

"I see.."

He throws the satsuma peel away before grabbing his phone and keys. He kisses my cheek before grabbing his boots. "Don't know when I'll be back, it'll be late. Don't wait up." With that my front door closes and I stand dumb founded.

"I got an interview for a magazine," I spoke to myself. "In case you cared.." I sighed still feeling his kiss on my cheek. I tried not to think about the fact he didn't kiss my lips, it tell me he loved me.

Me: Have fun tonight xx

He didn't reply but I didn't take it personal, he was out with his friends at some fashion event, replying to me wasn't his top priority.. But when I saw the little 'read' sign I couldn't help but feel it was a little personal.

Not letting it ruin my mood I ran a bath, threw in numerous bath bombs and relaxed every muscle in my body.

Before getting into the bath however, my phone beeped with an email.

Carla Williams.
RE: Interview.

Hi Holly,

Details for tomorrow's interview:

9am. Gliss Offices, Shoreditch EC1 3JS. Smartly dressed.


I grinned at the email, saving it to my 'important' folder and locking my phone again.

I didn't even know what time it was when Harry stumbled in, flopping on my bed and hugging me close to him, he reeked of alcohol and his clothes were cold.

"Boots off, you'll get my covers dirty." I scolded.

"You take them off."

I turned over ignoring him, I couldn't be bothered with him knowing that if we argued, he wouldn't remember in the morning.

"Night Harry," I sigh. He didn't reply, the only noise in the room being his light snore.



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