Chapter 20;

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NO POV - trying a new thing. Chapter written in third person; let me know if you like it or prefer Harry/Holly POV's :)

It was the second day of Harry's radio tour, It had gone down very well so far, yesterday they travelled to Birmingham first - going to four different stations before travelling to Liverpool.

Holly had smiled the whole way through, shaking hands and speaking polite words but the main attention was on Harry.

Getting out of their car at the first station in Liverpool they heard screams. The excited fans had been there since seven, wrapped up in not near enough warm clothes just to see Harry.

"Hi!" Harry walked over, Holly smiled still awkward about how to handle this, she didn't want to be by his side because she knew that the fans weren't here for her. But she felt rude staying back and looking around oblivious to them - it was a situation she wasn't quite used to yet.

Harry signed at least twenty phone cases and took around forty photos until security came and moved them along.

"Never had security before," Harry laughed taking hold of Holly's now cold hand. They were lead upstairs and Harry was prepped on what to expect of this interview which was pretty much like every other; how he got into music, what his songs about, the album, a possible tour.

Touring made Holly's stomach churn, the fact that it was inevitable for it to happen. She knew that when his album is released in seven months that he's going to have to promote it and tour with it, that he may likely storm America and Europe and tour all over there too, and where would that leave her?

- -

By Thursday, Holly was tired. They were in Manchester; a familiar place for Harry as he'd grown up going to and from Manchester. They had a hotel for the night as in the morning they were being driven straight down to Nottingham then London.

Harry started getting ready at five thirty, a few old friends had invited him out for a drink or two and he couldn't wait. These were the lads he'd grown up with, helped countless time during their teenage stage and wouldn't ever offer him drugs. That's for sure.

"What time will you be back?" Holly asked still quite upset that he was leaving her here alone but not feeling she had a right to say anything because he hadn't seen these
friends for a long time.

"I'll text you," Was his reply, it wasn't a clear answer - he was avoiding that, not wanting to give himself a time stamp.

"Do you ever think about tour?" Holly asked aloud as Harry sprayed on some cologne - it wasn't her favourite of his.

"Sure, of course. They're sorting dates already for next year."

Holly bit her lip.

"Why?" He asked grabbing his watch from the en suite.

"Just.. I think about us.."

"Us?" He frowns unsure of where this conversation was going but not liking it.

"Yeah, how we're going to balance tour and seeing each other."

"That's in the future babe."

"Yeah and?" She was confused trying not to misinterpret his words.

"We can't worry about what's not happening yet."

"But I do."

"Don't." He put his shoes on feeling Holly's eyes on his back. He grabbed his keys ready to go when..

"You don't think we have a future. Do you?"

He turned around inwardly sighing. She was sat up in bed, his shirt on, her hair in a bun.

"If I didn't think we had a future I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."

"So why don't you talk about it, talk about what's going to happen. We're going to change Harry.. we're already changing." She felt her lip trembling watching as he stood there, she felt as if she was more invested than he was, that she was holding on tight whilst he had a mere hand there.

"Because I can't talk about it, I can't tell you how it's going to be, how it's going to work it just will.. okay? It'll just work."

"And if it doesn't? If it's harder than we think?"

"Then we become stronger. Simple."

He wasn't getting it, he wasn't understanding her and she was getting frustrated. He knew she was overly sensitive about this topic that's why he'd been trying to avoid it.

"You don't get it."

"Don't get what?" He scoffed.

"How I'm feeling, how terrified i am."

"Terrified? Terrified of what?" He scrunched his face.

"Don't do that." She pointed at him angrily. "Don't make out my feelings are pathetic because you don't understand."

"Well stop acting pathetic. Stop asking me questions I don't know the answers to. Stop trying to clutch onto me." He almost yelled but he didn't.

Knowing his words were hurtful enough without the added volume. He instantly regretted his words, the look on her face, the way her entire body sunk, the tremble of her lips before the tears silently fell down her cheeks.

"I didn't realise I was such a burden." The crack in her voice broke him, she slowly climbed off the bed stalking over to the ensuite - locking it behind her.

She slumped down the door silently crying as she heard him sigh before the hotel door opened and shut and he was gone, leaving her to dwell over his words.



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