Last Chapter;

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Holly's POV

The following morning, I trudged downstairs in a loose shirt of Harry's and some yoga pants. He was watching tv - still shirtless, Harly beside him, toast in his lap, tea on the coffee table.

"Morning babe, not going to work?"

"I called in sick,"

He pouts, "Not feeling well?"

I stood silent at the door, watching him relaxed in my house, on my sofa, watching my tv.

" I'm not."

"Go to bed, I'll bring you something up?"

"I.. actually, no..s'okay. I want to go for a walk, get some milk."

"I can easily drive, you go back to-"

"No," I interrupt. "..It's fine. I need fresh air." I grab my bag, attaching the leash to Harly and leaving the house.

I looked around before leaving my gate, checking he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I hadn't seen him at all, thankfully.

Returning back from the shop, Harry was dressed, typing on his phone against the kitchen counter. "Got the milk?" He smiled.

I place it down. "Yeah.."

"Holly.. please, tell me what's going on. You're not yourself, please.."


"Don't say you're not feeling well, I know that's bullshit."

I was stunned at his language but kept my composure. "I'm just thinking, overthinking perhaps."

"About what?" He didn't say anything, I just looked up at him, my eyes sad, his slowly losing their light. "You.. you've been thinking about us, haven't you?"

"This isn't working out, is it?"

Harry shook his head in disbelief. "No, you're allowing yourself to think that."

"I'm not. I'm sick of holding on, trying to reach out for you, you're just slipping through my fingers."

"We aren't breaking up Holly, we aren't." He demanded.

I bit my trembling lip. "What do you suggest then Harry? You're.. you're you. I'm still me but you're a different you. You've moved on, grown into a different person but I'm still me. I can't compete with everyone else for your attention." I begin to cry. "I can't."

"Then don't, you don't need to. You're always number one, you know that."

"Yeah?" I look up at him, my tears blurring my vision.

"Yes." He nods.

"Valentines day..your birthday. Was I number one then?"

His face pales as he stays silent.

"You know I apologised-"

"Yes, I know. But.. I can't be in a relationship where every time we take five steps forward we take ten back, I can't."

"So what do you suggest?" He whispers.

The tears fall silently as I look away from him, then up to the ceiling to try and hold them back.

"You.. you don't love me?"

"All I've done is love you Harry,"

"I love you,"

I shake my head. ", we won't work. We can't, it's two different worlds colliding trying to make it happen."

"And we can," He walks to take my hands but I pull away. "So this is it?"

I look up at him, his eyes full of tears, mirroring mine.


"I can't sleep without you,"

My bottom lip trembles. "I wish I could say the same but, the amount of time you've spent away..all I do is be without you."

"But you're.. you're Holly, you're mine.. you.. you roll your eyes at my stupid jokes and run stupidly hot baths that I can't get into for twenty minutes and you hate being tickled on your feet, you apply two lipsticks to get a unique shade, hate having your hair touched unless you're're mine." He slowly states.

"I know, and..i want to be yours forever but we can't continue know we can't, you know I love you,but loving someone isn't enough sometimes."

He nodded, his bottom lip between his teeth. "I can't beg you, I would but I can't beg, that would only be selfish."

I huff a sigh, the tears fully taking over my face by now. "I'll love you always Harry,"

He wipes my tears, his thumb wiping my cheek. "I love you, stupid amounts." He kissed my forehead before grabbing his hat, car keys and duffle bag. The door opening and shutting quietly seconds later.



(Did you recognise the prologue in here?)

There you have it! The last chapter! No epilogue like The Pact because it's a continuation..

Might be nice and update chapter 1 of The Wakeup Call hmm...

What do you think guys?? What do you predict in the final book?

x x

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