Chapter 3;

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Holly's POV..

The second he walked through his front door I was in his arms. "Never leave me again you fucker," I whisper my arms around his neck, legs around his waist.

I heard his duffer bag drop as his arms wrapped around me. "I missed you too."

We stayed in our embrace for at least five minutes.

"I made some pasta, hungry?"

He shakes his head. "Tired,"

I pout. I'd not gone through much trouble to make the food but I still felt a little disappointed. "Oh."

He smiled kissing me, "I'll have some if you want me to, I can't hack that look on your face."

I didn't know I'd given away my feelings.

"Just let me take my bag upstairs and change." He pecks my lips heading upstairs as I walk into the kitchen and dish up our food.

As promised Harry came back downstairs in a clean t-shirt and boxers smelling gorgeous.

"Thanks for the food babe," He sits down and immediately starts eating. He was hungry after all the silly boy.

"I'm so happy you're home."

"I'm happy to be home."

"The week dragged,"

"You're telling me. The last day I just wanted to leave, I was so.. I don't know."

I reach over and take his hand. "You're here now, with me."

"Why were you so doubtful the other night?"

Our conversation from the other night had obviously been playing on his mind.

"I wasn't doubtful, I had just.. I spoke to a Eleanor and she's a bit.. unhappy and I just wanted to make sure we think the same, we're on the right path."

"What's wrong with Eleanor?" He frowned.

Do I tell him?

"Um, she told me in confidence.."

"I won't tell anyone Hol."

I knew he wouldn't but she was still my best friend..

"Louis slept with someone else."

He swallowed. "Right.."

"And she is acting as if she is okay with it but," I sigh placing my fork down. "I know she isn't, it's eating away at her."

"I mean it was a while ago now,"

My head shoots up. "What?"


I frown. "I didn't say anything about when it was." My face dropped. "You knew?"

He swallows, now placing down his fork. "It was before we were anything and I knew if I told you when we did get together - you'd tell her,"

"Of course I would have, she's my best friend!"

"I know but,"

"There's no buts about it. Louis slept with someone else and now my best friends in bits because she can't trust him." I stand up pushing the chair away.


"No Harry."

I walk upstairs falling into Harry's bed bringing the cover over my shoulder.

A few minutes later I hear Harry walk in. He gets in beside me, turning his body to spoon mine.

"You know I love you," He whispered stroking my arm. "I won't ever hurt you, or cheat. I'm not that type of man. Don't be angry at me please." He pleads.

I turn over completely facing him. "I'm not angry at you, just frustrated because I want to help Eleanor but I can't."

He kisses my nose. "I know."

"I love you too, by the way."

He kisses my lips his fingers playing with my pyjama bottoms. "I vaguely remember someone saying she missed me." He hummed his fingers dipping inside my pyjama bottoms softly touching me dangerously close to where I needed him. "I don't think I quite believe you," He continues.

I guide his hand until it dips into my core. I moan a 'fuck' as he groans, his fingers giving me the perfect pressure.

"So wet," He comments completely taking his fingers away and making me gasp. He tastes me on his fingers. "So tasty," His fingers travel back down this time sliding inside me pretty easily seeing as I was completely soaked down there.

He made me climax twice before we both were completely naked pleasuring each other through out the night. It was exactly what we both needed to help our bodies get over the 7 day drought.

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