Chapter 34;

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Holly's POV

The next day I was granted the day off, Carla said I was able to have weekends off and one day in the week, but the day in the week would change often.

Eleanor: Are you home? Xx

It was now 1pm, I'd spent the morning watching tv in my pyjamas eating whatever I could find, surprisingly this included fruit.

Me: Yes, why?:) xx

She didn't reply so I assumed she was on her way over. Harly whimpered at me to open the door to let her run outside, I was training her pretty well, she's only had three accidents in the four weeks I've had her.

Around an hour later my doorbell rang three times. I tried to make something of my hair and tie my dressing gown around my waist to make myself a little more presentable.

Opening the door, I was immediately wrapped in arms.

"Harry?!" I exclaimed taking in his smell.

He pulled back and took my face in his hands, kissing me until neither of us had any breath left.

"I couldn't sleep knowing you were as mad as you were so I caught the first flight out."

My heart stopped as the tears formed in my eyes. "You flew over for me?"

"Yes," He kissed my lips multiple times making me laugh. "I don't want you to ever think I don't love you, or miss you, or care about you. I'm sorry you get so frustrated and upset about it all when I'm there but I want you to see that I'm in this and I'm willing to drop everything for you, okay?"

I swallow. "I love you,"

"I love you stupid amounts Hol."

"Did you ask Eleanor to text me to see if I was home?" I smirk realising that's why she was texting me.

He blushed looking down providing me with a little nod. "I didn't think you'd answer me, you were so angry.."

"I was, I overreacted I'm sorry. I guess when we're away my emotions go wild."

"It's okay," He kisses me.

"How long can you stay?"

"Only the night, told them it was an important emergency."

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm an important emergency huh?" I flirt, my arms around his neck playing with the curls sticking out from the bottom of his hat.

"Very important emergency."

We laugh kissing and stumbling our way to my bedroom.

- - -

By six, we were both worn out - for more than one reason. Too much sex, I was tired from the stress and Harry was jetlagged.

"I'm meeting your sister tomorrow to plan your birthday." I smile leaning in my side in bed. We were both just laying there, I was tracing his butterfly tattoo as he played with my hair slowly.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah.. What time do you leave?"

"Ten am."

I pout. "I'll go with you to the airport."

"You don't have to babe, besides you're going to Gemma's."

"Are you sure?"

He nods. "I think goodbye will be easier at home then at the airport with people watching."

"Agreed.. Thank you for doing this.. I can't believe you did.."

"I just want you to know I'm sorry and I love you. You know I never want to make you cry."

I hold him closer. "I know.."

"I love you, so very much." He whispers. "I never thought I would love anyone ever again after Natalie.. I thought that was it, that I couldn't physically love anyone else. Then I fell in love with this girl who hated me."

We both smile. "When did you fall in love with me?"


I nod looking up at him, resting my chin under his collarbone.

"On our sushi date,"

"That was a date huh?" I smirk. "Thought you just wanted to try the new place out?"

"Had to bullshit you into it but it worked, didn't it?"

I laugh slapping his chest playfully. The realisation hitting me that in less than twenty four hours he'd be leaving again.

"I love you Harry, I'm sorry I drive you crazy."

"I love you too, continue to drive me crazy. Keeps me on my toes."

But for how much longer could I keep him on his toes?

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