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"Hinata... tried to cut his wrists using a scalpel he found.." Asahi barely got the words out before breaking down in tears. Along with Noya who hugged him tight. "W-what? Why— why would he ever want to do that..? The loss was bad but we have lost games before... he seemed okay..?"
Daichi begged. Almost wishing for them to say it wasn't true. But it was.. everyone tried to spit out ideas on what could've happened and how they could help or fix it. The most common idea was to visit him but his was in surgery so they couldn't.

While they all spoke Kageyama sat in the back... color drained from his world. He knew it was his fault. He beat him up for being in love with him... 'why... why didn't I stop. I know I like him too damn it so why did I do that... why?!' He thought to himself before falling into tears. He collapsed onto the ground and when the team went to help him he pushed them away. "Don't help me damn it! I'm fine on my own.. I was before I can be again."

"Tobio.. we are here for you.. you blame yourself don't you..?"

"HE HAS A RIGHT TO!! HE NEARLY KILLED HINATA HIMSELF! WHY THE HELL WOULDN'T HE ITS HIS FAULT!!" Noya screamed. Asahi was holding him back from running to Kageyama. But Kageyama stood up and walked out. No one bothered to chase him because they knew he wouldn't let them.

(At the hospital)
"Uh Im here to see Hinata Shouyou?"
"He said the only visitors he wants are Nishinoya, Daichi, Suga, Asahi, And Tanaka..? Are you one of them..?" The nurse questioned.
"No.. I'm his brother though.. half brother. I just want to know if he's okay.."

"Alrighty then.. your family. Hinata your brother is here to see you."

'What brother.. I don't have a brother' Hinata thought to himself. But as soon as Kageyama walked in the nurse closed the door before Hinata could say no. "Get out"

K: "Please listen to me Sho-"

H: "I said get out please"

K: "Im sorry but Im not leaving until you listen"
Hinata turned his head. Admitting defeat, but gave Tobio a look saying 'Hurry and get out'
K: "I am sorry about what I did.. I panicked and I didn't know how to react. I tried to stop but my over whelming emotions took over and I had no control of my body.."

H: "That's not—"

K: "It's not and excuse I know.. but i just wanted to tell you I do like you. I care about you.. I have. I really do like you and I wanted to be with you... but when you screamed at me it felt like I didn't want to. So my body tried to prove to myself that I didn't love you but it didn't work.. so I really am sorry.."

H: "Kageyama..."

K: "But i won't forgive you!"

H: "what..?"

K: "Yiu were stupid and reckless! You tried to take your own life for the sake to end your own pain?! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MORE PAIN THAT CAUSES US?? WHAT HAPPENED TO NOT BEING SELFISH?? WHAT HAPPENED TO THINKING ABOUT EVERYONE??"

Hinata was silent.. he didn't know what to say.. "I'm sorry... like you my emotions overwhelmed me and I couldn't control myself.."

Tobio took a deep breath. He slowly walked over to Hinata and hugged him. "Don't ever so that again okay. Call any of us. Anyone on the team. We will help." As he said that most of the team walked in. When Daichi noticed what was happening He spit out "Kageyama? You weren't on the list of visitors.. how'd you get in?"

K: "Long story but I think me and him are okay."

H: "Not so fast kageyama.. I still need to gain your trust again.. it's hard to after what you did.."

K: "yeah I know.. but when do you think you'll be able to play again..?"

H: "i get discharged in two days.. but I can't play for a couple months. I'll still come to practice though. To watch.."

D: "okay.. I understand. Well we all brought you gifts. And don't ever do something like this again without calling us, okay?"

H: ".. okay.."

(Time skip: two months later)

"Hinata! Yo you start playing soon right?" Tanaka asked, almost like it was nothing.
"Yeah. Only a week left and I will be completely healed!" Hinata said proudly, he went to show how the scars were nearly healed but then pulled them back. Holding his wrists in embarrassment before kageyama yelled "let me see"
H: "sorry?"
K: "let me see the scars. I need to see how they improved"
H: "b-but.."
Kageyama went to grab his wrist. before Suga took kageyamas arm. "You could re open his wounds if you grab them. And it's his personal wound if he doesn't want you seeing you are t seeing it."
Kageyama looked down. "Sorry shouyou.. I just want to know your okay." As he looked up he realized Hinata had his arms stretched out. He had a bright smile on. Almost like they were a cool scar from falling off your bike. "You all can see if you want! I just needing to make sure you guys wouldn't judge or pity me for it.."
Everyone piled around Hinata. Even coach Ukai did. They all looked in amazement as the scars were bright but healed.

At the end of practice Kageyama and Hinata walked home together. "Would you mind sleeping over my house...?" Hinata said, trying to hide his light blush. "Sure... why though..?"
H: "My parents aren't home and I don't wanna be alone.."

K: " of course. I just have to stop home and get my stuff."

H: "Okay I'll wait for you"

When they got back to Hinatas house it was perfectly clean. His mom cleaned it while he was in the hospital and Hinata barely touched anything. They sat on hinatas bed and the silence killed them both. "Hinata..." kageyama blurted out. He seemed scared, almost nervous to say this. "Yeah Kageyama?"
K: "Do you forgive me.. for what I did..?"
H: "of course! I understand now. You were in a moment of weakness and you used anger to get your emotions out.. the same way I used pain.."
K: "yeah"
H: "but! Hey we are here now! What do you want to do?"
Kageyama just looked at Hinata. They just stared at each other. Bright, loving eyes staring into each other as if reading a book. Slowly they realized how close their faces were. And before Kageyama has a chance to get nervous and back away Hinata kissed him. As their lips locked Hinata fell backwards into the bed with Tobio on top of him. They both melted into the kiss and kageyama slightly bit Hinatas lower lip asking for permission. Hinata opened his mouth a bit letting Tobio slide his tongue in. And this felt like it went on for hours. Just laying there, in love making out, it was beautiful. Soon kageyama slid his hand up Hinatas shirt and Hinata started to blush.. but before anything could happen they heard a familiar voice from downstairs.
"You think he's home..?"
"Shh! He'll hear us!"
Kageyama looked at Hinata asking who it was. But Hinata was frozen.

He's My Future~ KageHinaWhere stories live. Discover now