Not an update- omg

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OMG! I have over 700 reads and 30 votes?!?! What?!!?!!!!! And I'm #20 on trending for the "#teams". HOW??? Idk: I'm overly excited abt this and I can't even think straight (maybe cuz I'm gay) BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT!! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THE VOTES/COMMENTS/OR JUST READING MY STORY IN GENRAL!! I only started this story because I was like depressed and needed something to get my mind off it. You may have been able to tell by what happened in the first couple episodes. But as I got better the story gets more happy!! And now my story has like a ton of reads and I can't believe it. So THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I should be updating a lot more frequently because of the shut down in case you wanted to know but I just wanted to say thank you so much!!

(I hate self promo but if you like angst/romance/x reader and stuff I have two other story's.)

But that's all your h Choice! I'm thankful enough for how well this story went and how well it may go in the future! Again, Thank you so so much! See you guys next time I update, should be sometime before April 20th if not ON that date. Anyways thanks! Bye bye!!

He's My Future~ KageHinaWhere stories live. Discover now