11. Twins??

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Everyone stood in astonishment. Daichi seemed semi excited, but also like he thought nothing changed. The kid would be the same either way while Hinata was bursting with excitement. kageyama was not so happy
"Two kids?? I'm barely able to save for one"

D: "like I said, we are going to help you save up"

S: "Lets focus on making sure the baby stays healthy"

K: "B-but two??? That's DOUBLE the money!!"

H: "Oh shut up bakayama! Atleast you get to be a dad! That's what you wanted right?!"

D: "wait he WANTED to be a dad??" XD

K: "w-what? *pft* n-no I was perfectly fine not doing so"

H: "yeah but when you found out you couldn't be more happy"

K: "Uh I ahem. Sure. Yeah..."

Tanaka: "Don't be scared to admit it dude! We all would be? Right?"

Whole team: "RIGHT!"

H: "when did you guys get here??"

D: "I texted them the address, they all knew they'd wanna come so. Why not?"

Everyone sat and listened to Hinata give them the news on the baby's. He talked about how he could show his two baby's the videos of this years nationals and say they were there. They stood on the court with him. They jumped just as high and ran just as fast. And everyone loved it. Hinata would be an amazing mother and seemed so happy about the idea of having kids.            

"You'll be a great mother Shoyo," Suga said with a sweet smile, and though he looked happy to the team.. Daichi saw right through it. He was really sad inside, depressed almost. But- why? The captain couldn't put his finger on it, he knew Suga had a friend who had a miscarriage before, but that was the worst Suga had been through. Atleast on the subject of babies, so why did this get him so upset?

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom, I'll be right back guys." Suga walked out of the room and Daichi saw his Boyfriends smile drop as he left the room. "Uh me too, I'll be back" Daichi rushed out of the room and ran to the bar Suga was at. When he walked in he saw Suga sitting in the corner of this public bathroom, his face buried in his knees, crying. "Suga... what's wrong..?"

"Y-you wouldn't understand. You didn't even know.."

"What didn't I know..?"

"Remember my friend..? My Really really close friend I had. But I never mentioned her name"


"The one that had the miscarriage, and it brought me down with her. Because I said it was my kid too since we had a donation so her and her girlfriend could have a kid... and you got a little mad that I'd do that without telling you but you still comforted me.."

"Yeah.. Suga what's this about"

"There was no friend, or her girlfriend, or donation or anything"

"So, there wasn't even a baby?"

"No. There was. It was our baby..."

"What? Your saying-"

"I was pregnant with your kid Daichi, and I was going to tell you. But one day when I was at my moms, I woke up in a pool of blood. We rushed to the doctors and they told me I had a miscarriage... I didn't want you being upset about it so I made up a story" Suga now broke down in tears. He could barely keep it together.
"I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry" he said between sobs.

Daichi just stood there, he didn't know what to say. But he ran and hugged Suga, holding him tight. "Your okay, trust me. I'm here for you. We can have a kid if you want, To be completely honest I'm jealous of them too. And since we are going to college we won't have to worry about volleyball."

He tried to be kind and supportive but Suga giggles rubbing his teary eyes. "You really are a dummy sometimes y'know"

"What'd I do this time.??"

"Shh. I just wanna be held like this a little longer, did you lock the bathroom door?"

"Yeah, I put up a Closed sign so no one would wanna come in."

"Okay, just stay like this for a bit.."

"Anything for you, Suga"

Daichi sat there for a while holding Suga close, and when Suga fell asleep he carried him back to the room to tell everyone they were leaving. Everyone was confused at the fact that Suga fell asleep in the bathroom but then remembered they were in there for 45 minutes and who knows what they were doing 😉😉.

But either way, Daichi and Suga went home and went to bed in their bed, Kageyama and Hinata stayed at the hospital for the night since Hinata was scared to leave, and everyone else went home. It seemed peaceful for the next couple months, nothing Big (besides Hinatas belly), and nothing really important happened. They didn't want to know the genders and waited till the babies were born. And they decided that wether it was two girls, two boys, or one of each, their two names were going to be the names. Even though Hinata wanted to come up with more kageyama said it'll become too confusing, plus Hinata was being killed with hormones and would want every name on earth. But.. the team remembered that they never had a Baby Shower...? Hmmm.

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