14. Coming home

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The next day when they woke up Hinata was weak, his body had finished forming back to male but everything still hurt. He did make it home though. They went to practice and showed the whole team the twins and everyone fawned over them. They looked just like their fathers. It was adorable. Kageyama and Daichi felt like Hinata could go back home but not without kageyama staying with him. Kageyama was worried and scared Hinata would get hurt, and didn't want that. expecially for the twins.

And speaking of kageyama, he was... shocked. He didn't know how to feel about being a father and was excited about it. But then again he was still scared and didn't know how to feel. He was way to nervous to hold them (even tho Shoyou forced him sometimes) and when he did kageyama cried every time. That's why he didn't hold them. He hated crying. Though it was tears of joy it was still tears to him.

Daichi and Suga. They felt happy, like they finally had the kid they never got. Even though it wasn't THEIR kid they still were happy Atleast someone got that kid. It made them smile and relieved everything went fine, and they would practically pry Noya and Tanaka away cause they were being to reckless since the babies were newborn. Being the protective grandparents they now were. ;)

Hinata. Hinata was happy, he felt calmed. Tho the whole pregnancy and birth felt HORRIBLE and he didn't like a single minute of it. Wait, no. He did, he loved the beginning. It's supposed to be the worst part of pregnancy but the beginning was filled with excitement and the joy of pushing himself for the baby. Now because he felt like the baby was gone his body feel into a depression (that's a real thing). But he wanted to stay okay. He had kageyama with him. He knew he would be okay.

Kageyama and Hinata struggled to raise the kids as it would not listen. The first two years were difficult because Kaito, she wouldn't stop crying unless kageyama would hold her. And of course he was always scared too. And shoya, he just hated kageyama. Well not hated but when kageyama would hold him he'd scream until Hinata came and calmed him down. It was quite cute. These newborns had favorites. And as they grew up they seemed to get cuter and cuter. Tobio and Shoyo got married too, they became Tobio and Shoyo kageyama. And raising kids was this hard even with that,But when the kids hit teenage years Kageyama became the father everyone expected. Kaito wanted boyfriends but kageyama said no, until Kaito got a GIRLfriend. Shoyou did not stop laughing at her comment for three hours

"You said I couldn't have a BOYFRIEND. I don't. I have a girlfriend. >v<."

Kageyama was dumbfounded and caved. While, being opposite of Kaito, shoya was a troublemaker. He would always try to sneak out and steal money. It was frustrating. But the best part was throughout their childhood. They still loved volleyball just as much as their fathers. And that's what every one expected of the Twins from the two.

HEY GUYS!!! I'm so so so sorry it took so long for me to publish this chapter!!! I know that it promised it no later than this date but I still feel like I was off schedule when I don't even have one. So I'm sorry but I've been rly stressed lately and I've only written short stories and one shots cuz those calm me down. But so you know, their will be one chapter left. It will be like the kids when they are older! And I could try to write a spin of with the twins being the main characters but it'd be hard. Anyways I am sorry for how long it took! I love you all!! Sorry! See you next chapter!!

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