3. A Brand new Couple/Steamy Night (smut)

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Someone was in Hinatas house.. and By the time Hinata and kageyama realized the position they were in, legs intertwined, as well as their hands. Kageyama on top of Hinata, they couldn't move. The door burst open and they both looked over in shock. Before Kageyama rolled and fell off the bed with a thud. "W-what the— HA! YOU GUYS WERE DOING THAT IN HERE?! Haha!!!" Nishinoya laughing uncontrollably at the fact of what he just witnessed. "Noya! That's probably embarrassing..." Asahi tried to reason.
"Ouch. That hurt.." kageyama groaned while rubbing the back of his head where he hit the ground. And Hinata just sat there. Frozen...
N: "Hinata your okay! Trust me.."
H: "Your not going to shame me... I'm gay... FOR HIM!!"
K: "Hey!"
H: "Sorry.."
N: "you think I'll judge you for being gay... dudes. I'm gay for this big loaf!"
A: "AH- Noya.. I thought we were keeping it secret..."
N: "no point in hiding it now right? Trust me.. he seems like a softie but in bed he's—"
A: "OKAY THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW... uh Hinata how are you doing with your wounds... heh.. uhm *cough*" Asahi tried to cover his blush but Nishinoya didn't let it happen. They kept flirting with each other and were clearly wanting each other.. "uh guys.. could me and kageyama get some alone time? You guys can too if you want to stay... there's a spare bedroom we're you can wait till me and Tobio are done... uh... talking.."
"Yeahhhh talking.. Okay! Cm'on Asahi! Let's go!"

Hinata led them to the room and shut the door behind them. It was a soundproof room to. So you couldn't hear anything out side it. Or inside. But Hinata still came it and shut and locked this door too. Kageyama looked at Hinata with a devilish smile..
"Someone didn't want to stop did they huh?

⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING: SMUT!!! If you aren't comfortable with that skip to the next chapter!!⚠️⚠️⚠️

Kageyama got back on the bed, and lightly patted the space next to him. Hinata gulped but slowly walked forward. He sat on the bed and couldn't say anything before kageyama swooped him up and got on top again. They were now back were they started. Making out, on hinatas bed. They both took off their shirts and kageyama left hickeys all over Hinatas body. His next, chest, waist, and was now waiting for his pants to come off. Hinata wanted to take off Kageyamas pants but couldn't figure out how to take off the belt. So Kageyama did it for him.

They now sat, making out only in boxers. Kageyama created a trail of kisses, leading to Hinatas dick. He slowly pulled down Shouyous boxers letting his hard cock loose. Kageyama without thinking twice took it into his mouth and filled his mouth with saliva. Bobbing his head back and fourth while sucking made Hinata release high pitched noises that you wouldn't even know existed. "I-I'm close.." Hinata let out between moans. But that was what make kageyama stop. He looked at Hinata, 'so beautiful' he thought. Blushing, with a seductive face. "You can't get off on only a BJ now can you..?"
"I could if you let me." Hinata begged. His hormones were through the roof at this point.
"Sorry but no can do.. we have to go one step further before you can cum." Kageyama said with an evil smirk. He pulled out a bottle of lube and put it on his cock. He was about to go into Hinata raw but then Hinata asked "do you have a condom..?"
"Why the hell would I need a condom?! Your a guy.?" Hinata thought for a minute. 'He doesn't know... he doesn't know I'm an omega. How did he not learn. Omegas Though it's rare can get pregnant..' but he didn't say anything. He nodded letting kageyama know it was okay to go in. And as he did so shouyou moaned and twitched, and he looked like he was going to cry. "Are you okay..? We can stop if you want.."
"No... y-you can move"
He trusted back and forth, and Hinata moaned almost everything time he pushed deeper into his ass. The combination of the high pitched moans from Hinata and the quieter lower grunts from Kageyama made them both more horny. They went on for 30 minutes before they came. Hinata nearly passed out, luckily Kageyama caught him before he fell off the bed. They laid there for a while. Just sitting, and they were going to take a shower before remembering "SHIT! ASAHI AND NOYA ARE STILL HERE!!"

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