6. The Nightmare (warning- Suicidal actions)

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"3-2-1- PICK!"
Y-"Oki! I picked mine"
Ts "me too, idc so I just randomly picked"
H- "yay! I got my favorite"
K- "Uh huh. I picked mine"
N- "ouu! This ones good!"
A- "hah.. uh I picked.."
T- "I got mine!"
S- "me and daddy got ours"
D- "stop calling me that in front of them"
N- "c'mon pops! Mom is right! Your our dad!"
T- "YEAH!!!"
Ts- "so stupid. Suga isn't even a woman how can he be our mother. Let alone he's two years older than us"
N- "are you disrespecting mom??"
D- "CALM DOWN BOYS! He's fine to his opinion! Suga.. babe, a little help here??"
S- "nah they got a point."
D- "BABE!!!!"
H- "guys the votes are in! Here's the scores!"

Frozen- 1 vote

Mulan - 4 votes

Hercules- 2

Little mermaid- 1

Cinderella- 1

E- "Mulan won! Yeah that's cool!"

Everyone got on the couch and snuggled with their 'partner'. Yamaguchi sat on Tsukki's lap and Tsukki gave him head patts. Kageyama wrapped his arm around Hinata as shouyos head was on his shoulder. Daichi and Suga held hands next to each other. And Asahi held Noya bridal style, (after Noya begged him) then when he got tired let him sit in his lap just like Tsukki. They watched the movie, Hinata and Yamaguchi cried when They found out Mulan was a girl. "Dude he is definitely gay!"

Kageyama blurted our. "No way! Why would he love Mulan then??" Hinata questioned. "He's obviously bisexual.
He was in love with ping! He was gay and that's why he was so personally hurt when he realized ping was a girl!" Yamaguchi said. "And I geuss when he realized he still loved her he knew he was bi not gay.." Tsukki said.

Everyone went silent. "What?" Everyone said in union. "...uh? What? I know my movies.. Yamaguchi makes me watch them"

"Uh huh.. sureeeeee. I bet your favorite movie is the good dinosaur!" Noya yelped before bursting into laughter.
"IS NOT!" Tsukki defended
"Shh! He cried when the dad re appeared" Yams said.
"HEY! That's.. that was a secret yams.." Tsukki said quietly.
"Uh.. heh. Guys I'm just gonna go.. do you have a spear bedroom?" Yams said in a soft voice.

"Yeah down the hall. I have 5 bedrooms one for every couple. And they aren't sound proof so NO FOOLING AROUND ALRIGHT GUYS??"

E- "alright"

Hinata showed yams and Tsukki to the room and tried to ignore Tsukki getting emotional over the memory of the good dinosaur scene. When he got back everyone laughed at it and they all headed to bed.

Once they all fell asleep Tsukki had Yamaguchi wrapped in his arms tightly, like a stuffed animal you never want to lose.
Suga was Daichis little spoon and held Daichi's hands close to his chest.
Asahi fell asleep with Noya Literally on top of him. Notas face buried into Asahis neck as they fell asleep.
And Hinata cuddled Kageyama with his head digging into kageyamas chest while they faced each other laying down.
And Tanaka.. he fell asleep alone. But he did FaceTime kiyoko and fell asleep with her virtually.
They all seemed happy again. But Hinata had a really upsetting dream. You see, his dream was of his family, who recently left. And his dad just died little under a year ago. This dream also made him remember what kageyama did to him after the loss of their game. He woke up in fear and tears and looked over to see kageyama fully asleep. The pain in his chest wouldn't go away, then he remembered the one this that always fixed it. It wasn't the best but it worked. He snuck off to the bathroom and grabbed sissors from the kitchen. Once he got into the bathroom and locked the doors, he starts lightly cutting his wrists. Physical pain always masked the emotional pain. But this time it didn't go away. So he tried pushing down a little harder but his hand slipped. "Ah!! Damn." He said with a sharp tone. Then he realized, he re opened his scar, he was bleeding out again. He didn't want to die this time, but didn't want anyone to know what he did.
D- "Hinata.. is that you? Are you ok? I heard you yell."
H-"I'm fine! I swear"
S-"Hinata.. don't lie to us."
H-"I s-swear.. I am."
K-"Hinata your stuttering! I know you stutter when you lie"
H-"P-pleas—" Hinata didn't even finish the words before passing out again. It was happening all over again. The team heard him fall and struggled to open the door. Before Noya screams "GUYS?!!?! HURRY UP! THERES BLOOD???!?!!!!"
Everyone looked down to see blood pouring out from under the door. Asahi called 911 as Daichi kicked the door open. He carried Hinata bridal style to the ambulance and only he Suga and kageyama were allowed inside. "Damn it dumbass. You said you were ok now.. what happened.." kageyama muttered in tears.

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