10. The final game!

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(Hey guys! I'm not really good and writing the game so just pretend it was a really hard game and now they have to play the final one! Sorry!!)

They were in the gym, it was a week since the last game and the team was shaking with anticipation. They all couldn't wait to finish this game, if they won this one, they were the champions. And it has also been about 2 months since Hinata found out he was pregnant, and his stomach started to form. Not noticeable yet but it was there. And the team sure noticed, being as nosy as they were.

Kageyama has tried to tell Hinata to take the beginning of the game off to relax himself a bit, but Hinata made every excuse under the sun not too. He wouldn't even let coach Ukai take him out at any point. He wanted the baby to stay on the court for the whole game. And that's what happened.

The game started rough, they started 5 points to Zero and it wasn't good. But as their team did they caught up, the score became 7-7 and it stayed that close for a long time. Many rally's and MANY points later, their scores went up to 25-25 and everyone became frustrated.

Kageyama Practically begged Hinata to step off the court but Shoyo told him he wanted to be on when they won. And Secretly Hinata got himself to speed up the quick attack by nearly a whole tempo. It seemed almost impossible but they did it. And they didn't plan on using it until this game.
After a couple more rally's the score was now up to 31-31. Kageyama made a setter dump getting them to match point. And Hinata gave kageyama the look letting him know it was time for their quick attack. Yamaguchi served the ball and the other teams libero received it. They attempted to spike it but Noya caught it and sent it to kageyama. Tobio, with excitement and also All seriousness, set the ball to Hinata, the other team froze. The ball seemed like it.. teleported. How could it possibly go that fast?? Hinata jumped up so high and spiked it with all his might and it hit the center of the court, calling the game. Everyone screamed with excitement and tears in their eyes, even Hinata. But he hadn't hit the ground yet. The tears blurred his vision and he couldn't see the ground. He couldn't land right, and he tripped. He fell straight on his stomach and hit his head, but jumped up and fast as he could and froze. Kageyama and Suga looked at him with worry, and he felt his stomach. 'They aren't kicking.. why isn't my baby kicking. They always kick...' Hinata looked at Suga telling him something was wrong, and kageyama without thinking picked him up and ran. He ran him to the closest hospital and Suga and Daichi ran close behind.

K: "HURRY PLEASE, he fell and we don't know if our baby is alright!!"

S: "Hinata.. why'd you give me that look, how'd you know something was wrong..?"

K: "you mean besides the fact that he fell??"

S: "no, mother's holding children fall a lot, and most of the time the baby will be okay. But you know when something is wrong.."

H: "they.. they stopped kicking. They normally don't stop till I go to bed. I.. I don't know"

D: "your baby's gonna be alright kid, trust me"

H: "don't make false promises! I know my baby's okay but I don't want you to say stuff you don't have proof of okay?"

S: "okay.. the doctor is coming"

Doctor: "Hinata Shoyo? Come with me, and the boyfriend too."

Hinata and kageyama walk with the doctor and he does a couple tests. Then he leaves before Suga and Daichi walk into the room.
"How'd you get in here..?" Kageyama asked with curiosity.
"We weren't allowed in while they performed the tests, but we can stay now." Daichi informed them. They all waited patiently for the doctor to come back with the news on the baby. And when he walked in they all stared, and it kinda scared the doctor.
Doctor: "Uh- ok so I have good and Maybe good news"

K: "what is 'maybe good news' ?"

Doctor: " it's news you may or may not like"

K: "oh"

H: "well what is it..?"

Doctor: "okay well your baby is perfectly healthy, and it stopped kicking because it was tired out from the excessive jumping and running"


D: "DONT YELL AT HIM! Suga..? Are you ok?"

S: "yeah I'm just waiting for the news.. sorry I'm just tired"

Doctor: "okay, well the maybe good news is, it's not A baby."

All of them: "what..?"

Doctor: "congratulations, your having twins!"

All of them: "WHAT??"

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