12. Baby shower!!!

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The team chose to plan a baby shower for Hinata. They wanted to do it similar to how he gave them the knees on the baby. One day they'd say it was practice and they wanted to bring Hinata so he could 'watch and learn' the new moves they were working on. Since he really wasn't allowed to jump around. They decorated it and everyone got tons of presents. But Daichi and Suga didn't. They instead secretly made a nursery right next to kageyama and Hinatas room. He said it was his office and they weren't allowed in, so they never saw it.

That day Hinata was really tired. He was 7 months in by now and didn't really want to be walking around.. but his love for volleyball always overrided his drowsiness. He walks in and everyone jumps up and suprised him.
H: "Oh-! Guys!!! You almost gave me a heart attack.. phew-"

T: "Sorry! It was Noyas idea"
N: "hell yeah bud! This worked out so cool!"
Ts:"looks like the babies are growing quite fast"
H/K: "Shut up!"
Y: "Tsukki! Be nice.. he is like really tired.."
D: "yeah come here, sit down"

Daichi walked Hinata over to a chair and helped him sit down. They had a practice match today with nekoma so Hinata was super excited to show the team his belly. He watched everyone clean up the decor and throw out the trash, and pile the presents up in a bag for Hinata. And now nekoma showed up.

Kuroo: "Yo! What's up Karasuno!!"
Hinata: " hey!"
Kuroo: "woah! Are you having a kid-"
Hinata: "yep- talk to that guy if you wanna know how" *points at kageyama*
Kenma: "he already knows how" *giggle*

The whole team surrounded Hinata talking about the baby and everything that has happened. Then Shoyo sat and watched the match. It was really fun to watch though Hinata got all figity wanting to play. When the match ended Hinata was walked home with kageyama, Suga, and Daichi.

When they arrived home Daichi said that he had his gift set up, and wanted to make sure it was okay. So they waited in their room for Dad to come back out. "Alright, come into my office"

Kags and Shoyo look at each other shocked. 7 months later and we are allowed in now? They walk into the room and it was beautiful. It was like a day and like these, half the room was day the other was night. And all studies and the cradle were on the night side, toys, food, and changing station was on the day side. It was really beautiful

(That's what the night side of the room looks like)

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(That's what the night side of the room looks like).

Hinata looked at the room and started to cry. "Oh my god- it's beautiful.. thank you thank you"

"It's my job, I am taking care of you" Daichi said with a smile.
"Hey! I helped too" Suga giggles.

Kageyama and Shoyo were speechless. They didn't expect this at all, and then Hinata realized he was really tired and said he'd look at it more in the morning. So he went back to bed with kageyama.. but,

*heavy breathing and semi painful whines*

"Babe..? Are you okay?"

"No- I think my water just broke.."

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