Chapter 1: The Battle of Geonosis

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You board your ship and start on your journey towards Coruscant. When you get within range of the Jedi Temple's communications, you get ready to send a message to tell them that you are on your way back. Suddenly, a transmission comes in from the Jedi temple telling all available Jedi to meet at the planet of Geonosis to rescue Jedi that were captured. You immediately set course for Geonosis, not knowing who was taken prisoner. You arrive to Geonosis and discreetly land your ship. You follow the coordinates the Jedi Temple gave you and end up at a coliseum. You close your eyes and reach out with the force. You feel Anakin, Obi wan, and countless other jedi that are surrounded by battle droids. Trouble.

You sneak in through the rear of the coliseum and find your way to the battlefield. You immediately see the crowd of jedi that you felt when you were the outside of the coliseum. You walk through the middle and to the front, not even bothering to look at the jedi around you. You look up at count dooku and realize that he is no longer a jedi, and is responsible for the danger that your friends are in.

"Qui Gon Jinn would be very disappointed in you Dooku" you say.

"And who might you be?" he replied with laughter.

"I am (Y/N), and I will not let you hurt my friends."

He exploded with laughter and shouted "droids, shoot her!"

Hundreds of blasters were now pointed at you. Remaining calm, you close your eyes and start shooting lightning out of your fingertips at the droids. A lighting that was so powerful, it disabled every single droid in your path. You ignite your lightsaber and look up at the now puzzled Dooku,

"Who's laughing now?"

You start sprinting towards Dooku and he flees. You decide not to chase him when more battle droids start coming into the coliseum. Clone ships start swarming the area and you jump onto one, ready to help wherever you can in this inevitable battle.

The rest is a blur.

You receive an order to board a transport back to Coruscant to help heal the wounded. You walk through the corridors, looking for more people to help after treating what felt like hundreds of blaster wounds. You turn the corner and see Anakin sitting on the floor. His arm had been cut off, and he was in major need of some healing. He suddenly looks up, and your eyes meet. Those beautiful blue eyes.

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